Chapter 5

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Not wanting to deal with some drunk guy, I hit him in the elbow, forcing him to let go. Good thing Hakuto made me study the anatomy of a human. I start running, and look back once to check he wasn't following me.

I make my way towards the small forest near the house and take a short walk around it.

'If only Mom and Dad will let me out more often,' I think, which makes me angry. I take another walk around the forest to calm myself down, and it works.

I'm about to head back home when I hear a voice behind me, "Why... do you look... so tired?" I turn around and see an old man, a wooden cane in one hand.

"Everything... going well?" He asks. I nod and is about to walk away.

"I know... how to make you... happy again," He says. At this, I turn around and concentrate on the old man's words. I forget to close one of my eyes, but he doesn't seem to care about them.

"I sense... sadness and... loneliness in you, my child... I'll... make you happy... again," The old man gives me a small smile. Happy... it would be nice to feel that again.

Convinced, I ask, "How?"

The man gives me another toothless smile and says, "Hold my hands... and close... your eyes," I do what he says, taking his wrinkly hands in mine. The man starts talking, but in a weird language that I don't recognize. A spell maybe? Then he's quiet and I don't feel his hands anymore. I open one eye and see that he's not there anymore.

"F*cking grandpa," I mutter under my breath. I open both eyes and walk home, my mood ruined.

Time Skip

A week after the encounter with the old man, I'm left alone in the house again. Mom, Dad, and Natsuki are outside, eating dinner at some fancy restaurant. I think of sneaking out again, but think against it. Who knows when they will be back?

I take out one of the books in the shelf and start reading it. It's the book Hakuto bought for me a few weeks ago. I have completely forgotten about it until now. I'm just about to start reading the first page when I hear the door open.

'Back already?" I think, sad that my alone time is over so soon.

"Haneki? Mom? Dad? Natsuki?" But it's Hakuto's voice I hear, which makes me rise right away.

"Hakuto!" I shout in happiness, rushing out of the room.

"Haneki!" Hakuto smiles and hugs me tightly, and I hug him back, glad to see him in so long.

I start asking him questions, "How's your school? Did you eat? Why didn't you visit in so long?" But there are no answers. Then I realize that Hakuto is slumping on me.

(460 words)

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