Chapter 49

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With a small breath, I concentrate on the flow of my Cursed Energy, my hands still in my pockets. I glare at the Cursed Spirit, venom in my stare. She flinches backward.

Domain Expansion: Infinite Darkness

Immediately, the terrain changes. The spiky wall of roses flakes away, and is replaced by something else. The wall is now black and smooth; its surface reflects the room. It resembles something similar to black glass or obsidian. With the walls being smooth, it is impossible to spot the corners; if there even are any.

"Huhhh?" The Spirit looks around the new surrounding, looking stunned. The hole Okkotsu had made is now gone, and no hint of him remains.

Suddenly, a piercing scream echoes around the Domain, and my head snaps toward the sound. It's from the Spirit.

"Stop!!!!" The Spirit begs, red blood-like tears dripping from her empty eyes.

"I'm not doing anything, b*tch," I reply. Then I finally notice what she is pleading about.

The entire domain is covered in a series of images. I look around and notice that some of the scenes are moving. Most, if not all, features a depressed-looking woman in a black dress, standing in a graveyard. They each hold a bundle of white, blooming, flowers.

Then, one of the crying women catches my eye. Her arms drop to her sides, and her fists start trembling. So much that the flowers drop lifelessly to the ground. Her face scrunches up, and the slow drops of tears are now flowing streams of anger.

'I hate you!!' She yells, 'Why did you leave me?!'

'I hate you!'

'I hate you!'

'I hate you!'

The phrase repeats again and again, echoing around the Domain. But I notice that the woman's mouth is closed, only twitching occasionally in a frustrated way. When I look around once again, I realize that it was the other women, all yelling the same thing:

I hate you.

Meanwhile, the Cursed Spirit is paralyzed in terror or something and blankly stares at the wall of the Domain ahead of her. Red, blood-like, tears drop from the empty eyes.

Is this what this Spirit was born from? The feeling of hate for a dead being? Does my Domain allow me to see the reason for the Spirit's birth? Its weakness, perhaps?

I also notice multiple eyes creeping over to the Cursed Spirit. The eyes are on the ground, and they move around freely over the surface.

Cautiously, I step closer to the frozen Spirit, and she doesn't seem to acknowledge my presence anymore. I take out my gun and fully load it. All 6 bullets are now in place. Then, I quietly take my place behind the Spirit. She still stares at the moving images. The women are now stomping angrily out of the burial grounds.

As the Spirit lets out a deep sigh, I raise the gun to her head.

Without hesitation, I pull the trigger. With a deafening crack of the shot, the Spirit lets out an ear-piercing shriek and turns around angrily. I continue shooting at the Spirit's head until all bullets are out. There are four bleeding holes in her forehead, and the first shot has done damage to the back of her head. Another puncture is visible just below her left eye, and the red tears are joined by real, purple, blood.

Without giving the Spirit the time to regenerate, I raise my fists and non-stop punch her frail, panicked, body. At the same time, the eyes lock onto the Spirit, their pupils turning either a shade of red or blue. A beam of light forms on it, and shoots out. In just a matter of seconds, there are so many holes in the Spirit's body that it's surprising that she didn't fall over yet.

However, there is damage done to me as well. My own eyes start to sting as I watch. My pupils quickly lose focus, and I feel something wet rolling down my cheeks. Tears? When I touch the liquid with my finger, the red color tells me it's blood. Soon, my left eye is entirely blinded by blood.

"Stop!!" The Spirit yells beggingly. The lasers have stopped, but her body isn't healing her wounds. Suits her well. Covering my left eye with my hand, I shoot her a smirk.

"Time to f*cking die," I answer instead of listening to her pleas. Soon, her skin starts flaking away, and small drops of purple blood float around her body. My legs give out on me as I cough out blood, my eyes burning with pain. My whole face feels like it's on fire by now. It feels like all the energy has been drained out of me as I stare blankly at the ceiling, still on my knees.

Meanwhile, the eyes quietly sink down, until they have disappeared under the surface of the floor. As if it never happened, the pain disappears instantly, and the bleeding stops as well. I sigh; either in disappointment or relief. I'm not sure.

Then, just as I'm about to take down the Domain Expansion, I hear another crack. I shakily stand up in alarm, almost losing my balance. Stars spark up from the edges of my vision from standing up too fast, hurting my head. I cover my eyes with blood-covered hands. I use my ability, looking through my hand, at the space around me. I watch out for foreign Cursed Energies.

Is it another Spirit?

But it's Okkotsu. Did he break through my Domain as well?

"Haneki! Are you okay?" He asks. I nod, then freeze, remembering what my Domain can do. Does it affect humans as well? Probably not, right? I turn towards Okkotsu, looking at him through the gaps between my fingers and blood.

His wide eyes and shaking body answers it all.

The laser eyes silently return.

(946 words)

so sry for making u guys wait another week for the chapter :I

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