Chapter 26

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"And that's Panda," Gojo-sensei points at the giant panda. He gives me a big wave.

"His name is just Panda?" I ask, and they all nod. Huh. Whoever named him must have had no other ideas.

"He was at the school the whole time but was in another building. That's why you guys don't exactly know him," Gojo-sensei explains.

[Why do I feel a Spirit inside her?]

[Is she the Spirit?]

[She seems too weak though...]

Maki still looks at me weirdly, and I shift slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable at her stare.

Gojo-sensei continues talking, "In about a month, you four will be in the First Year group together, so be friendly with each other,"

"Not him?" Panda looks at Fushiguro with a curious look.

[I thought he was a student, too?]

"Megumi is one year younger than you guys. He'll join next year,"


"So. Have fun together!" Gojo-sensei suddenly leaves us five alone on the field. He has disappeared already.

"Tuna mayo, shake?" Inumaki asks.

[What do you want to do?]

"What's he saying?" Maki asks, confused.

"He's asking 'what do you want to do?'," Fushiguro translates. I bet Fushiguro is the only person who can fully, 100 percent, understand Inumaki's Onigiri language.

"I have a question," Maki suddenly says, closing up on me, "What is she?" Maki says the word 'she' as if she already thinks I am a Spirit myself.

"Haneki," Inumaki answers. He must have thought Maki was asking for my name.

"I mean: Is she a Cursed Spirit?" She shoots the question directly, and both Fushiguro and Inumaki look like they don't know what to say.

"...of course not," Fushiguro finally answers.

"Then why do I feel a Cursed Spirit around her?" Maki demands.

[Should we tell her?]

[What if she decides to kill Haneki for this?]

[Wouldn't Haneki feel uncomfortable?]

[Just tell the truth, dumbheads. What is so hard about that?]

"I have one inside me," I simply say without hesitation. She can't kill me even if she wanted to, anyways. (Although it will be cool if she did). As I look through her, seeing the flow of her Cursed Energy, I see only tiny streams; not even close to the amount of Energy a typical Jujutsu Sorcerer should have. Maki can only kill me the old-fashioned ways, which most don't work on me. And she doesn't even have enough to use them as her own, nor will she be able to see Cursed Spirits. But the question is: How was she accepted into the school? I guess her family heritage gave her some advantage in some way (Maki is a Zenin after all), but she won't be able to fight, right? Then I notice the greater streams flowing through the glasses she is wearing. The glasses must be what lets her see Cursed Spirits. I wonder where she got them from, though.

"Did you ever kill anyone?" Maki suddenly has me pinned against a pole, a long stick held behind her back. She's fast.

"Ye-, I mean, n-, actually... yea... wait no, no. I, uh... umm... I-" I can't find the right words as I struggle with my answer. Now I'm back to the question I have been asking myself the whole time: Did I kill anyone?

"Okaka! Takana, tuna okaka," Inumaki says, squeezing between Maki and me.

[She didn't. She's just confused herself]

"I didn't understand a thing you said," Maki pushes him out with one hand and goes back to me.

"She didn't kill anyone," Fushiguro also says, slightly prying Maki's hand off the pole behind me and letting me go. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and quickly make my way next to Inumaki, feeling more comfortable next to him rather than her. I shoot Maki a glare of my own as I calm myself down. I would probably have a greater advantage if we were to be in a fight, with Itami and everything. But Maki just tilts her head, looking annoyed, and step back.

[I think they forgot I exist]

I turn my head towards Panda, who suddenly looks lonely. He catches my glimpse and lets out a laugh.

"That was nice timing," He comments.

"What timing?" Maki asks.

"She looked at me just as I thought you guys forgot all about me," He says, "Although I'm a panda I still have emotions, okay?"

"Shake!" Inumaki walks over and hugs Panda, giving small pats on his back. They both look like kids, in each other's embrace. I catch Maki silently rolling her eyes, but I also see a small smile. Maybe she isn't as cold as I thought.

[F*ck I can still feel the Cursed Spirit from here]

Or maybe not.

(750 words)

sry for late update. again...

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