Chapter 8

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I move the new hand once, and it feels just like my old one. I guess that's kinda cool. But before I know it, I have made my way over the the balcony and flung myself over it.

I'm falling, and I don't bother trying to catch onto the rails in front of me. In just a few seconds, I have landed on the ground, not on my feet, but on my face. It hurts like crazy, but nothing like what I already experienced from all the beating at home. I hear a loud crunching sound, and I realize that I have broken a few bones as well. The people walking by all stare at me in shock, and start swarming around me, trying to help.

"Well, well, well," Itami is floating above me, "Thought you could die like that?" I glare at him and try to get up, but my body is screaming in agony. I slump back down to the ground, taking deep breaths in.

"Not on my watch," He continues, "I think I had enough of you trying to do that. Anyways, you should be happy, not even sadder,"

"Shut up," I mutter, not caring about the people listening to me. I finally get my body to sit up, and look around. I think my ankle is sprained, and my left arm is sticking out in an odd angle.

Then someone shouts out, "Demon!" The people start gasping and yelling, their faces full of hate and fear. I remember my eyes and quickly stand up, ignoring the pain sparking throughout my whole body. My head feels dizzy, and everything looks tilted. I stagger my way out of the crowd, pushing people out of the way. Then I run. My ankle slows me down, but no one is following me anyways. I make my way towards the closest alley, and collapse onto the floor, unconscious.

Time Skip

"You're awake," It's Itami's voice.

"Just let me die," I groan. I'm sure I cracked my rib cages, and it's torture breathing. Itami ignores me and just pokes my arm with his fricking veins.

"At least I fixed you arm," He says, and although he doesn't have a mouth, I'm sure he's smirking. I stand up, and notice I no longer feel pain in my ankles.

"Oh, and your ankle too," Itami adds. I glare at him to shut up and leave me alone. Then I start walking towards home.

Small Time Skip

It takes me a while to get home, but when I finally do, I'm wondering why I even decided to come back here. The room smells like blood and rotten meat. The three bodies lay untouched in the living room, where flies from who-knows-where are starting swarm around it. I head for the restroom and wash my face, scrapping off the dried blood. I turn off the water and dry my face, the new scratches on my face starting to sting.

"W- What?" When I'm out of the restroom, I see Itami, who is drinking the blood of the corpses. I stare in shock as I see streams of blood getting sucked into the veins at the back.

"Delicious~" He says, looking up at me. I feel my face go pale.  And with that, I throw myself out of the balcony once again.

(541 words)

*Me regretting my life decisions on why I didn't give Itami a mouth*

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