Chapter 41

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"I'm Okkotsu Yut-"

Before the new student can introduce himself, Maki, Inumaki, and Panda have already lunged at him, pinning the nervous boy against the blackboard. The blade of Maki's polearm pierces the board behind, and the now-trembling boy stares wearily at the sharp edge. Gojo-sensei lets out a small smile at the sight.

"Is this some kind of test?" Maki asks threateningly, "This is a place to learn curses. It's not a place for the cursed to be,"

"Wha-" I snap my head towards, Maki, whose back is to me. Am't I cursed too? The student, Okkotsu, looks at me, sending a silent distress signal. Guess he realized I was the only one not trying to kill him on our first encounter.

"You're cursed," Maki continues in a lower voice.

"Huh?" Okkotsu then turns his head in Gojo-sensei's direction, looking confused and scared.

[He n- never said that]_Okkotsu

"This is where we learn curses to exorcise Curse Spirits," Gojo-sensei suddenly speaks up, "Tokyo Jujutsu High School,"

Maki, Inunmaki, and Panda all slowly turn to face the smiling sensei

[He just told him that?]_Inumaki

[He didn't know that?]_Panda


"Sorry," Gojo-sensei apologizes, not looking sorry at all.

[Tell me that ahead of time!]_Okkotsu

I roll my eyes as I lean back in my chair. Just then, I sense a big wave of Cursed Energy and immediately stand up. A pair of pale, white, arms reach out from the blackboard, easily pulling the polearm away.

"Wait, Rika-chan!" Okkotsu shouts out hurriedly, turning around.

"DO. NOT. TOUCH. YUTAAAAA!!!!!" A piercing scream deafens our ears as a giant hand hits Maki, Inumaki, and Panda on their heads one by one.

"If you attack Yuta, Rika's curse will activate," Gojo-sensei explains, "So as you can see, this is the boy cursed by Rika, who just loves him... Okkotsu Yuta-kun!"

He points at the quiet boy with both hands, "Be nice to him, everyone!"

"Warn us earlier..." Maki grumbles quietly, turning away from Gojo-sensei.

"I'll introduce these four to you," Gojo-sensei then says.

[It feels like this Sensei is the problem here...]_Okkotsu

"Zenin Maki," He starts, "She handles special weapons that can exorcise Cursed Spirits," Maki clutches her polearm tighter.

"Inumaki Toge. He only talks in his own Onigiri language, so good luck talking to him,"

"Konbu," Inumaki raises an arm, but his face stays neutral.

"Panda!" Gojo-sensei continues.

"I'm Panda. Nice to meet you," Panda introduces himself.

"Well, yeah,"

"And lastly, that's Haneki," Gojo-sensei looks at me, "she doesn't open up easily, so good luck with that, too,"

[Where's the explanation for the important parts...?]_Okkotsu

"Now, with that. Finally, the five are you are together as the first-year students!" Gojo-sensei beams at us with a smile.

"So the mission you guys were supposed to go to this afternoon will be arranged in groups of 3 and 2," He explains, "Toge, Panda, Haneki. You guys are in one group. Maki and Yuta, you will be in a pair.

"F*ck," Maki mutters quietly.

[She said f*ck...]_Okkotsu

Mini Time Skip

Okkotsu Yuta; the new student. He's 15 years old and was kicked out of his old school because he (technically Rika, but still) killed four students after getting bullied. I got all of this from Okkotsu's mind, and it seems to bother him a lot. He hasn't told the others yet, so maybe he doesn't want them to know about his past.

Okkotsu seems nervous and shy, maybe even scared. Dark circles beneath his eyes indicate his lack of sleep, and I notice a small ring on his finger. And the sheer amount of Cursed Energy I see in him must make him a Special Grade Sorcerer, or at least Special Grade 1.

The five of us walk down a hallway, silent. I can feel the tight tension between Maki and Okkotsu.

Okotsu first speaks up nervously, "Umm... nice meeting you g-"

Maki sighs in an annoyed way and asks sharply, "You were bullied, right?"

(619 words)

a;djfalkajsdhfakljsdhfkladh aaaaaaaaaaa im so sry for the late update :|

I actually rewatched part of jjk0 for this chapter (and the next) :/

it was fun tho


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