Wings of Ash

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Your praise has lifted me up to heights I had never been brave enough to dream of.

Your touch has given me wings, wings built for flight among the stars.

Your love has given me courage, courage reserved for the proud and wonderful.

So why, dear lover, do I fear it false?

What would become of me if the height suddenly became unreachable once more?

What would I do if these wings I've been gifted were to fade away as ash?

And if your love dries up, was my courage a facade? Will I become a shell of the woman you helped me to realize?

I fear for the unknown, the unthinkable, the deadly.

I scream for security but shy away at the thought of relying on it.

I trust in your love, but I can only do so once. If the empire you've built inside of my heart were to ruin, so then would I.

After all, you can lift me up, paint me wings, and make me brave

But I'm still the one who has to learn to fly on her own.

And that's a skill I have yet to know.

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