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"Help, someone! Help! Please!" I heard some odd screaming. It sounded like a girl...not young but not old...Katherine? Oh well. People always scream in the deep dark, it was probably nothing. I went back to building my mine. 

After about an hour of building, I heard someone yelling again. It sounded like oddly like Gem.


It was probably nothing. I went back to organising a display of redstone ore.

"fWhip! Or anyone? I need some help!" the girl (who I had by now assumed was Gem) yelled.

I put down my pickaxe. What was going on? I raced down to the floor of the cave. "What is it?"

"I found a body."

Did mine ears deceive me?! "I'm sorry?"

"It's Princess Katherine of Glimmer Grove."

"Oh no...I'll call Jimmy." I ran out, glancing back at Katherine's body. There were no physical wounds...I wonder what had happened? I grabbed my elytra and flew to Tumble Town.

"Jimmy! Jimmy, there's been a death." I said, out of breath.

"What? Who?!"

"Princess Katherine."

"Katherine?! No!"

"I'm afraid so." I said, gravely. "I left Gem there, we should probably get back to my empire."

There was complete silence. And then...

"Your empire? The death happened...on your doorstep?"

Oh no. I hadn't even thought about getting blamed for all this.

"I swear I didn't! I would never do that!"

The sheriff looked at me suspiciously. "I'll have to question you later. For now...we should probably get Katherine to a nice place."

"Yeah." I said, relieved.

We left Tumble Town and flew back to Gobland, where Gem was waiting, holding Katherine's body's hand.

"She can't be dead."

"I'm sorry, Jimmy. I know you were in an alliance with her."

"...anyway, we should probably-" Jimmy was cut off by a faint yell.

"Let me out of this cage!" The prisoner. I'd forgotten about him. Oh no...

"What in the sun's name was that?" asked Gem, concerned.

"I...nothing." I said, trying not to sound suspicious.

"I haven't eaten in a week! It's s...so c...c...cold down here!" yelled the prisoner again. I would have to talk to him later.

"After I've dealt with this, I think I need to search your empire, fWhip." said Jimmy, a little concerned.


"We should take her to Glimmer Grove. She would have wanted to be buried there." said Gem.

"Good idea, lets go." I said quickly, wanting to get the others away from my prisoner.

We flew off again, the three of us holding Katherine together, until we reached Glimmer Grove.

"Here is a nice spot." I said, pointing to a tall oak tree, overlooking Princess Pier. We landed there.

"She would have loved this. Everyone got shovels?" asked Gem, holding spares.


"Uh huh."

We buried Katherine under the oak tree. Gem couldn't stop crying, and I could tell Jimmy was holding back tears. I was too.

"I have a flower." I said, holding a purple allium. I gently placed it under the tree.

We didn't speak for almost half an hour. We just silently cried. I thought about Katherine, how nice and happy she was. I couldn't believe she was gone.

"I should probably let everyone else know that Katherine is...gone. fWhip, meet me in my office in half an hour for questioning." said Jimmy.

"Okay." I said. How would I defend myself! It happened right at my front door!

I was screwed.

Dead To Me- An Empires SMP S2 Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now