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I shuffled in my seat. Scott had been silent this entire time, I noticed. Why? Was he just nervous? Or was there something on his mind? Oh well. It was my turn to speak. I stood up and began my speech.

"It is my belief that Scott Major is in fact, not guilty, for the reasons as follows."

"I believe that he was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. He picked up the weapon to examine, and did not mean to cause harm." I finished.

False, who was acting as judge in replacement of Pix, nodded. "That is all very well said, Mr Mythical, but I believe you are outnumbered. Does anyone have any last objections?"

No one spoke.

"Very well then, I hereby declare Mr Scott Major of Chromia..."

"Not guilty!" yelled Shelby, flinging open the large wooden doors and walking in. Several people gasped. I quickly sat down, this sounded interesting.

"Forgive me, your honour. We have reviewed live footage of the crime scene. The murderer was none other than Joey Graceffa." more gasps echoed around the courtroom. "We even have his diary for proof." she finished, holding up a notebook.

False sat down, rubbing her forehead. "Can someone please explain the full story? I have a headache." I felt extremely bad for her. She was not cut out for this.

"Of course," said Gem, pulling out the official documents of all three deaths. She began to summarise them.

"It all started when Katherine, for want of a better word, 'friend-zoned' Joey. He became resentful towards her, and gave her a note forcing her to meet him beside the deep dark, where he promptly murdered her."

"He immediately felt very, very deep remorse for his actions, and hid inside the cabin in his pirate ship. It all became too much, and he murdered himself. He left a note behind, explaining what had happened."

"But not what he had done."

"Soon after, Jimmy was becoming more and more mentally unstable. The immense amount of pressure to close the case proved too much, and paired with the task of searching his dead friends' belongings, bedrooms, and empires, his mental health collapsed completely. And so, another innocent ruler was slain by his own hand."

"Scott, who had gone to Jimmy's house to presumably ask a couple of questions, would that be right?" Gem asked, looking over at Scott in the corner. 

He nodded, motioning for her to continue. 

"Alright. Scott walked into Jimmy's house, only to find him dead in his room. And before he could mourn the loss of one of his best friends, Joel walked in."

"He knocked Scott out with his magic and took him to this very courtroom, where we waited patiently for three days. This morning he awoke, only to be interrogated and sent to this court unfairly, where he has now been proven; not guilty."

There was complete silence, seemingly everlasting. I was about to speak, say something, anything, when Scott of all people, stood up.

"There it is. You were all wrong." he said coldly, glaring at each of us in turn.

Shelby looked over at him. "We were, Scott, and we are so very, very-"

"Sorry. Yes, I know, you're all very sorry now."

Gem was close to tears. "Scott, we were horrible to you, and for no good reason."

He laughed, a high pitched, psychotic sounding laugh. "Oh yes, you were. I was all alone, with no friends, grieving the loss of the love of my life, and where were you? Accusing me of murdering him!"

Dead To Me- An Empires SMP S2 Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now