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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, running after Gem. What in god's name was that beast!?

"Gem! I'm not feeling very SAFE right nowwwwwwww!!!" I yelled.

"You know what Oli? NEITHER!"

We continued to run, passing through the big gate near the mountains with the one block wide gatehouse. I stopped to admire the architecture, including that weird bite on the side.

"I see fWhip got hungry." I said with a laugh.

She turned, eyes widening. "Oli, RUN!"

But I was too late. I turned as the figure charged towards me, pressing a sword to my throat. I gulped and shut my eyes tightly.

"You're going to die." The figure said. It's voice was distorted and had a faint, eerie accent that I couldn't quite place. It gripped my wrist.

"But I don't want to die." I said, very matter-of-factly. I opened one eye.

It laughed, removing the sword and placing a hand around my neck.

"Tough luck."

It tightened its grip on my throat and I began to see stars.

I watched through the daze as Gem silently prayed. I sighed internally. Would she ever learn? The gods didn't listen to mere mortals like us.

"Gem. Get. Shelby." I said through gritted teeth. I was trying hard not to pass out.

She looked up and shook her head. "No... I can't leave you here!"

"I'll manage." I said curtly. The figure seemed slightly distracted, staring at the sword, distant memories in it's eyes. I took this chance to knock the sword out of its grip.

The blade slid across the dirt path, before coming to an unnaturally abrupt stop. I noticed strange runes on the side, half covered by dirt. Unfortunately my little pea-brain was too focused on escaping to read what they said.

"Oy, cloak guy! Get a load of my lute!" I said, quickly pulling the lute free from my backpack one-handed and smashing it on the figure's head. He let go of my throat and fell to the ground. I felt suddenly faint, lack of oxygen threatening to drag me into the hands of death. I gulped air, however this just seemed to make it worse.

I turned back to cloak guy and bashed him on the head again with all the strength I could muster. He let go of my wrist with a scream.

I jumped up before sprinting towards the mountains. Yes, this guy was probably the murderer of many innocent people. Yes, I really shouldn't have let him go, but I didn't feel like becoming a cloaky guy's meal today. I stopped a safe distance up the mountain to catch my breath.

I reached into my pocket to grab my communicator, but found it empty. I glanced over and saw it lying on the ground near the figure, just as it grabbed the device and quickly typed in a message.

"Oh absolutely not." I groaned.

I ran back down the mountain, nearly breaking my knees in the process. I brought my lute down over his head again, ignoring the sickening crunch of wood. I pulled the communicator from his grip and ran away once more, shaking my head.

"My lute..." I whispered, while still sprinting. I glanced down at it to survey the damage, nearly tripping over a tree root. The back was completely smashed through and two strings on the left side had broken.


I slowed to a stop. Suddenly, I didn't care about big cloak guy. All I cared about was my lute.

I sat on a rock, a single tear trickling down my face. I had forgotten what it felt like to cry, and my god it didn't feel good. I cradled the remains of the lute in my arms.

"No...it can't end like this..."

"Oli?!" Shelby exclaimed, sitting beside me. I hadn't seen her arrive.

Gem landed gracefully in front of me, folding in her wings. "You typed some weird stuff in chat, are you, oh good god-"

She stared at the lute in my arms.

"No. I am not." I said, wiping away a tear. The lute fell to the ground.

Shelby picked it up from the grass and pulled out her wand.

"I might be able to fix it..." She said uncertainly. "But first, where is the murderer?!"

I nodded faintly, suddenly feeling light headed once more. I needed health potions, stat.

"Guys, I need... I need..."

And then the world went dark.

Finishing off my cliff-hanger there, what a change XD

Love y'all!

-minimushr00m :D

Dead To Me- An Empires SMP S2 Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now