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I never left.

I had no choice.

My spirit was still with my friends, in the land of Empires. My ghost couldn't escape.

But why? What had I done? 

Was it because I murdered Katherine?

But wouldn't that have sent me to hell, if hell even existed? Perhaps it was because I had killed myself. This seemed like a reasonable fate for someone who had done such a thing. I'd regretted it the minute I had plunged the axe into my chest.

But there was no going back to the past now.

Perhaps I could still be with my friends? If they wanted me of course, which I highly doubted.

I thought about my friends, how I felt when I was with them, how much I loved them, and within seconds I was instantly floating high above their whereabouts.

I looked around. I was above an outdoor table, where ten people sat.

My best friends.

The area was decorated in pristine white and pastel shades of pink, the colours of cleanliness. Of a fresh start.

Something I would never experience.

I descended to the ground and walked over to the table. I stood there for what seemed like, and probably was, hours, but no one saw me.

I yelled, waved my hands, and tapped people on the shoulder, but still no one saw me.

No one could see me.

I began to cry invisible tears, wiping them away with my invisible hand.




I jumped when I heard a voice behind me.


I turned slowly, and to my delight, there was Jimmy! He looked sort of...transparent. Was he a ghost too? What had I missed?!

"Jimmy!" I exclaimed. I ran towards him, embracing him tightly. I never wanted to let go. I truly thought I'd be alone forever. "Do you forgive me?"

He sighed. "I think I do. You wouldn't be here if you weren't sorry." he gestured to the others, who were listening to Pix speak.

"No, I wouldn't. Uh, do you happen to have any idea why we are trapped here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do in fact. People who deeply regret their life choices end up like this. Trapped." he said, watching as fWhip made a joke and the group laughed.

"If you don't mind me asking...why are you here? What do you regret?"

He took a deep breath. "I couldn't solve the case. I couldn't help my friends. And worst of all, I rejected the person I loved most." I watched as he looked over at Scott, who was sitting at the edge of the table looking sullen and withdrawn.

"Oh." was all I said. What was I to say to a confession like that?

"What can I do?" asked Jimmy, turning to face me once more. He looked truly heartbroken.

I sighed. "Jimmy, if we're truly trapped, the only thing you can do is move on. I'm sorry." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. I was surprised to find that it was solid.

"Okay. Can we watch them for a bit first? Before we, you know, move on?" he asked hopefully.

"Yeah." I said, sitting down on a nearby amethyst cluster. Jimmy sat down next to me. 

I watched Shelby chatting animatedly to Lizzie. How could I have ever resented someone as lovely and kind as her?

I watched Joel trying to make conversation with Scott, only to be shut down time and time again.

I watched False, who was talking to Pix. He was staring straight ahead, a blank look on his face. 

I couldn't imagine how emotionally scarred he was, having seen the ghost of a close friend.

Why did I do that to him?

"We...we should probably go." Jimmy said, tears streaming down his transparent face.

"I...I can't leave them." I said, wiping away tears of my own.

"Come on Joey." 

He put his arm around me and guided me away. We walked slowly, turning back every so often, taking in what would become our last glimpse of our best friends.

I stopped. 

Our...their...friend group was broken, and it was all my fault.

I would never forgive myself. It wasn't Katherine who was dead to me.

I was dead to myself.

And that was why I was trapped.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this! I would love feedback, what I should improve, change or work on!

Love you guys!


PS: There will be an epilogue :D

PPS: Should I make this a book series? I really enjoyed this, and it would be cool to keep killing them off until there are only two!

Dead To Me- An Empires SMP S2 Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now