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It was a nice evening in Animalia. The air was warm, but not too humid. Breezy, but not too cold. Fresh, but not too-

"Hello Lizzie!" exclaimed Joel, breaking the silence. Not him again.

"Hey." I said.

"How are you on this fine evening?"

"Pretty good." I said. Be as boring as possible so he leaves, I told myself.

"Cosplaying as a cat, I see." he said, smirking.

I put my hand to my face, and sure enough, my mask was missing. "Oh...I, uh, yeah! Exactly. I'll...be right back."

I ran into the town hall with lightning speed, grabbed my mask, shoved it on my face and ran back out.

"That was quick!" Joel exclaimed.

I quickly deflected this. "Yeah, it was. So, why are you here?"

"I wanted to see my darling Mayor of Animalia! Do I really need an excuse?" he asked.

He only uses my full title when he wants something. "Joel, what have you done this time."

"Okayyyy, maybe I accidentally flooded my empire and me and Hermes have nowhere to sleep." he said, embarrassed. I looked down and saw Hermes clinging to Joel's leg.

"Hi Hermes!" I exclaimed, bending down to hug him.

"So can we stay here?" Joel asked, impatient.

I laughed. "Of course you can sleep here. I'll just need to-"

A cat scurried up the path to where we were standing, and dropped two formal letters, one at Lizzie's feet, one at mine, and then ran back down the path.

"Isn't that Norman?" I asked, as Hermes chased after the cat.

"Hermes, come back! I think it is." Joel said, reaching for his letter.

"What does it say?" I asked. We sat down on the amethyst cluster, where he tore open the letter.

"It says...

Dear Joel

I am deeply sorry to inform you of the passing of Pirate Joe of the Eversea. He took the loss of Katherine hard, and has unfortunately failed to seek help for the emotions he was feeling.

He was found dead in his pirate ship by Pixl of the Ancient City, and False of Cogsmeade.

As no one but him had touched the weapon, we believe that he has been killed by his own hand.

Remember, I can always speak to you if you need. We can not have this happen again.

Best regards,

The Sheriff, Jimmy.

He looked up from the paper in disbelief. "Joey too? I didn't know he cared about Katherine that much..."

"I don't believe it." I said, trying to stop the tears from falling from beneath my mask. That would ruin my disguise. "How can two of my best friends die in the same week..."

Joel put his arms around me. I let the tears fall. I just hoped Joel wouldn't look at my mask too closely. We watched the sun go down, crying our eyes out. Hermes was cheerfully playing with the fox villagers, oblivious. After a while, it was completely dark.

"We...we should probably go to sleep now." I said, yawning. Crying makes me so tired.

"Yeah. Lets go. Come on, Hermes." said Joel. we stood up and walked up the path to the town hall, Hermes playfully skipping ahead. I pushed past all of the animals, making Ariana Goate scream.

"Shut up Ariana!" I shouted, making Hermes jump. I had no energy to be nice.

I trailed up the stairs, Joel right behind me. I pointed him and Hermes in the direction of the guest bedroom, and collapsed in my own. I removed my mask and smoothed down my matted fur in the mirror. I would have to brush that in the morning.

I curled up on my bed and cried.

Dead To Me- An Empires SMP S2 Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now