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I walked into my office, to see that fWhip was late. Typical. I sat down in my chair, and soon enough, fWhip walked through the door, holding a struggling person, entangled in rope.

"Jimmy, this is who was yelling. He still owes me diamonds." said fWhip. I still hadn't gotten over my shock.

"Jimmy, you don't understand!" yelled the prisoner. God, he liked yelling. Also...

"How the hell do you know my name?"

"Oh, not you as well! I mean...It's on your badge."

"Oh...okay." I said, a little suspiciously. "fWhip, why have you locked him up illegally." I said, tiredly.

"He still owes me a stack of diamonds!"

The prisoner looked outraged. "No, you haven't heard my side of the story!"

"My god, can I deal with him later? Get him out." I said to fWhip.

"Oli, leave."

"I can't, you have me chained up!"

"Work it out! Anyway, ask me anything you need, officer." said fWhip, taking a seat opposite me.

"Okay. First question. What exactly were you doing, this morning." I asked.

"Well...I woke up with ambition, so I decided to work on a new gold mine. I was clearing out a tunnel."

"Did you hear or see anything...out of the ordinary?"

"I...I heard some screams that sounded a lot like Katherine, but I can't be sure...besides, people always scream down there, I literally live next to the deep dark!" he sounded oddly...defensive. I could be onto something.

"Okay. What alerted you that Katherine was indeed, dead."

"I guess...Gem screaming my name?" 

Maybe I wasn't onto something. I would have to interrogate Gem to see if their stories match up.

 But I had one last question. "Roughly what time did this happen?"

"Um...around 11:52?"

It can't have been him. "Alright, you can go now. And release that poor...Oli, his name was? Anyway, release him, I checked his records and he doesn't have a dime to his name."

At this, fWhip sighed. "Okaayyy." he walked out.

Thank god. I needed to inform the other Emperors. I wrote eight books, each with the following message;

Dear Emperors

I am deeply sorry to inform you that Princess Katherine of Glimmer Grove has unfortunately passed away.

If anybody needs to talk about this unfourtunate loss, I will be here 24/7.

Have a nice day,


That seemed like a good letter. I would drop those off later. For now, I need to contact Gem.

About five minutes later, I heard an orderly knock at the door.

"Come in!"

Gem walked in and took a seat at the table.

"Alright, I have a few questions for you. One-" 

I asked her questions for the next half hour, and unfortunately, her and fWhip's answers matched up perfectly. No closer to finding out who hurt Katherine. 

For now though, I need a nap.

No closer to finding out who did a naughty!

Now, I have a question. Who is your favourite Empires member, and why?

Love y'all

-minimushr00m :D

Dead To Me- An Empires SMP S2 Murder MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now