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The rain was still pouring down by the time we got to the Eversea. This time, myself and Jimmy landed on the ship, not wanting to walk through this downpour. We climbed down the ladder and ran over to Pix, who was sitting in the corner, shaking and crying.

"Pix! What happened!"

"It...it was his ghost...I swear I'm not lying, he told me things..." he trailed off. "He told me all these horrible things, how he wanted to die, how horrible Katherine's death made him feel..." he stopped speaking. He was now shaking uncontrollably. I ran to his side.

"Hey, Pix, it's okay. It's alright. Shhhhh." I put my arms around him, comforting him. We stayed like that for around five minutes, until I was sure he was okay.

"He...he loved Katherine so much...he just wanted to be with her..."

Jimmy had been awfully quiet. I looked over at him, raising my eyebrows. He finally spoke.

"Pix, forgive me, but...are you sure you weren't...hallucinating? Imagining things?" he asked reluctantly. I glared at him. Any idiot could tell that he had not hallucinated a thing.

Pix looked mildly affronted. "Jimmy, I would swear on my very soul, I was not imagining anything."

"Okay...in that case, I think it's safe to assume that Joey really was killed by his own blade. I tested his note, only he had touched it. The signature was the same. Even so...I'm going to need to interrogate you, like I interrogated False." he sighed. "I would wait until you were more...mentally stable, but given our current situation..." he looked over at me.

"I'll wait outside." I said, heading towards the ladder. I climbed out of the ship and shut the trapdoor. I was surprised to find that the rain had stopped.

I waited for a few minutes, before quietly whistling a few notes of a song. Before I could register what was happening, every bird in the vicinity started whistling back. 

Right. I forgot I could do that. I sighed and shouted at them to stop. The whistling just got louder.

I heard a faint knock below me, and a "False, what's going on up there?!" but I ignored it. The birds stopped chirping.

Some time passed before Pix finally emerged from below the ship, followed by Jimmy, who turned to me.

"I'm very sorry for taking away your valuable time. You have been proven innocent, both of you, and I'm still no closer to finding out what happened. This ship will become a registered crime scene, and I will send out letters informing the other rulers. Again." he sighed. It must be hard, working as a law enforcer in these times.

"Are you okay, Jimmy? Working in conditions like this must be...heartbreaking, to say the least." said Pix. He read my mind.

"No, I'm okay." he said quickly. What a lie to tell. "I need to go back down there to find the weapon that Joey used." he disappeared down the ladder again. 

"That's not a letter I would want to be receiving." I said, turning to Pix. "Two deaths in one week, whoever will be next?"

Halfway through, peeps! Thank you for all your support in making this fic! I'm really enjoying it, hence the 3 chapters in less than 24 hours XD

If you are looking for more books like this, check out War-Torn Hearts, and ESMP murder mystery! A collab between @FireFox7895 and myself, on a new account, @fireminifoxshr00m. Prologue is out now, C1 soon to come!

Yes, I just shamelessly advertised a book :D

Have a great day!


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