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I woke up with no idea where I was. I heard an alarm clock ringing. Ah yes, that sounded like Lizzie's. This all made sense now. I got out of bed and gently shook Hermes awake.

"Wake up, Hermes. It's time for school." I picked him up and carried him over to the bathroom, where he got ready rather reluctantly. I wandered into Lizzie's room and, when I realised she was asleep, poked her in the head. She screamed and jumped up, scrambling for her mask.

"Oh, Lizzie." I said. "I know that you're a cat. You really don't have to hide it."

She stopped and turned to me, shocked. "How do you know?"

I laughed. "I think everyone does. But we still love you."

"But...but I was so careful, and-"

"Lizzie, it's okay."

"No, it isn't! Joel, you don't think people will...pet me, do you?"

I laughed again. So that's why she was hiding. "No, I don't think they will."

"Good. I need to get ready, so if you don't mind?" she gestured towards the door.

"I need to take the devil child to school, anyway." I said as Hermes ran in.

"Alright, you two have fun." she said, smiling.


After driving Hermes to school, I sat on the guest bed in Lizzie's town hall. I had nothing to do. Lizzie would be building, she'd told him last night. I also felt...kind of upset. Which is weird. I'm an 11 foot tall, smart, amazing god, who doesn't get 'upset'. I shouldn't care about things like death, because I can't die!

But I couldn't shake the feeling of sadness, which followed me like a shadow. A constant companion, even when I was alone. Maybe this is what those humans call 'grief'. Could that be it?

I sighed. Too confusing for my liking. 

I had a brilliant idea soon after, why not go and bully Jimmy! That always takes my mind off things!

I jumped out the window and flew off, my elytra not even needed, but greatly appreciated. I might be a god who can fly, but even I get tired sometimes.

I flew over the Gobland caves, a marvellous sight, even from above. Over Chromia, the world of colour, which was a beauty to look at from afar. Over Stratos, my wonderous and prosperous empire, and landed right in the middle of Jimmy's empire, the great, but lets face it, extremely poor, Tumble Town. I walked over to his house and knocked on the door.


I called out, "Hello?"

More silence.

I climbed up the stairs.

Still silence.

I opened the door to his bedroom and...

"Joel! It's...it's not what it looks like!"

What had I walked into?

Not me fixing a grammar mistake an hour after this was posted...XD

Love ya'll!


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