Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part Two)

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Tomoko knew that a lollipop was the antidote to a child's tears after he or she had received a vaccine, and that checkups on infants were far easier than perceived as long as a toy was dangling above their heads; but even as a professional, Tomoko was still picking up on little ways to ease a child's fear of the doctor everyday.

And for little girls who were curious of a world to which they were on the outside looking in, Tomoko learned to slowly introduce them to the unknown through interactive means.

It started with the stethoscope: no child she had ever inspected looked at the contraption with great horror, for (Y/n)'s imagination was hyperactive compared to those of other children. To her the tool was a hydra, flickering its metallic scales, a great ball of sunlight storming up its throat, a brief harbinger of sizzling blindness. (Y/n) pressed herself against the wall, succumbing to the illusion of her imagination.

"Oh honey, there's no reason to be afraid," Tomoko comforted, pulling the tool back. "It's only my stethoscope! I use it to listen to your body, to make sure that everything is functioning properly!"

(Y/n) relaxed a bit. "Um, Dr. Higashikata? It's not going to hurt, is it?"

"Not one bit! Would you like me to show you how it works?"

The girl swung her legs shyly. "Yes, please..."

With Josuke as her assistant, Tomoko demonstrated the stethoscope's use, building (Y/n)'s trust. She leaned forward, her head tilted to the side, and asked, "Dr. Higashikata, may I try the...stiff-throw-scoop—" for she struggled with pronouncing the name "---please?"

"That you may!" Tomoko said, placing the tool in (Y/n) ears and around her neck. The girl parroted the doctor's actions, placing the drum over Rohan's heart, lungs, and stomach, her face sifting through a variety of expressions at the sounds each organ made.

"It's so weird!" (Y/n) squealed. "OK Rohan-Sensei, it's your turn!"

Rohan accepted the stethoscope from her, switching his role from patient to doctor. "Thank you, Dr. (Y/n)! Now, let's see here..." He placed the drum on Josuke's forehead, sliding it to his temple. "Strange, the only thing I can hear in your head, Josuke, is a breeze! I wonder why that is?"

Josuke snatched the stethoscope from the mangaka and listened to his heart, greatly exaggerating his recoil like an already klutzy monkey on stilts (to which (Y/n) broke out in hysterical laughter). "Brr, why is your heart like ice, Rohan-Sensei? It's not healthy for someone to be as cold-hearted as you!"

"Cold-hearted? I, the Great Kishibe Rohan, is anything but!"

"Guys." Tomoko rescued her stethoscope from being broken by the tug o' war between Rohan and Josuke. "Please act your age in front of our patient—set a good example for her!"

The boys fixed their postures.

"Sorry, Mom..." Josuke's grin was embarrassed for him.

Rohan brushed himself off and deliberately challenged Josuke with, "you're right, Dr. Higashikata; though that is what happens when you place an immature child in a position as complicated as nursing."

Ah, such a hypocrisy that both Josuke and Tomoko secretly agreed to ignore. The adults found their way back on the path of focus, charmed lips pointing in the direction of happiness at every giggle (Y/n) made during the checkup. The stethoscope, cocooned in thick understanding, metamorphosed from something scary into jewelry she wore around her neck for the remainder of the checkup, which echoed in wonderful laughter.

And the jollity heard was the water that encouraged the seed of perseverance within Josuke to start flourishing. He made quite a few fumbles during the checkup, as expected: he hit the wrong part of (Y/n)'s knee during the reflex test, stuck the otoscope too far into her ear, and almost broke the scale when measuring her weight; but Josuke made sure to keep his benevolent spirit strong to ensure that (Y/n) had a checkup that she would fondly remember, as his mother had told him.

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