Banana Pancakes

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A/N: I think I'm going to make some banana pancakes for breakfast tomorrow...

Cool, refreshing beads of dew rolled down the backs of leaves and into the rich soil anchoring the roots of their respective trees or flowers or bushes, creating waterfalls for a miniature world where snoozing ladybugs listened to music box raindrops, their spots iridescent with fantasies. A hasty glance would reveal at least twenty ladybugs, but a closer gander would reveal that there was only one ladybug, for the raindrops reflected the insect like the mirrors to a funhouse.

The lawn of the Kishibe residence was teeming with wonders both obvious and hidden, but (Y/n) wasn't quite ready to find them for the first few days of her stay, for the rain was ceaseless, and her fever even more so. It stubbornly burned, fastening its host to the mattress stationed in Rohan's studio. Entertainment was brought to (Y/n) in the forms of classic animated movies aplenty, her imagination whisking Rohan's Sailor Scout figurines away on unforgettable adventures, and sitting on Rohan's lap to watch him sketch; this was the case when she was awake. In slumber, nightmares evacuated their collapsed society built by fear, and dreams of the kindest sort had begun to bud from the wreckage—Rohan had even caught her giggling during one of her naps that filled the house with peaceful silence.

Day by day, little by little, the fiery illness dimmed to the size of a pathetic ember thanks to the medicines that lost their potent bitterness with each consumption, and a cornucopia of delicious, easy-on-the-throat foods cooked by Rohan, ranging from oatmeal to scrambled eggs to soup to fresh fruit. Strength had reunited with her muscles, her bruises had healed completely, and the soreness of her injury had diminished to the point where medication wasn't needed to soothe the pain, along with bandage changes becoming less frequent.

And Rohan recovered alongside her, chipping away the artist's block cemented in his mind. A new wall of confidence towards being a father had been constructed from leftover shrapnels, layered with forgiveness towards himself and excitement from the upcoming adventures he was to have with his daughter.

The fifth morning into her stay, (Y/n) awoke to find her forehead at a normal temperature and energy potent enough to sillily roll out of bed. "Good morning, Rilakkuma!" she shouted, pleased with her voice's clarity. Then she noticed that it was the first morning where she didn't wake up to the scratching of Rohan's pen on paper, nor him sitting at his desk beside her.

"Rohan-Sensei?" she rose to the tips of her toes to test the might of her healed voice. "Rohan-Sensei, where did you go?"

Curious and more so peckish, (Y/n) ventured downstairs, holding the railing tight and both feet together on each step. She skipped towards the kitchen and peeked around the corner, spotting Rohan leaning against the island, leafing through a cookbook with great intent. The sound of her feet against the hardwood floor caught his attention.

"Oh, good morning, (Y/n)!" he greeted, fulfilling her desire for a hug upon the sight of her arms outstretched for one. "You're up earlier than usual! Did you sleep well?"

"Yep!" she chirped as she was placed on the granite island. "Why weren't you drawing in your studio this morning, Rohan-Sensei?"

"Well, I was just about to make your breakfast." Rohan poured fresh grounds into the coffee maker and began to brew himself a cup of the energizing drink. (Y/n) sniffed the air, her nose interested in the foreign scent of coffee. "Are you hungry?"

Her stomach grumbled loudly at the mention of breakfast. (Y/n) rested her hands over her midsection and giggled, "My tummy says yes."

"Then let's figure out what to have for breakfast," Rohan chuckled.

He took a seat next to her on the counter. Their legs swinging synchronously, they searched the cookbook for a recipe befitting of a rainy day: (Y/n)'s mouth watered when Rohan suggested salmon-avocado toast, and her stomach rumbled louder than ever at the photograph of the vegetable omelets. "There are so many foods we can have for breakfast, Rohan-Sensei! How are we going to choose?!"

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