Everything Stays

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A/N: I want to tell everyone that we are beginning to reach the heaviest chapters in this fic, and because of that, I will be leaving a warning at the beginning of the next few chapters: this chapter contains verbal and emotional/mental abuse and some swearing. If this is a sensitive subject to you, then please read with caution. Other than that, I hope you enjoy it!

-SundropDandelion <3

"Go down to the ocean, the crystal tide is rising; waters' gotten higher as the shore washes out...and keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazing; the moon controls the tide, it can cause you to drown..."

It was weeks later from when Rohan and (Y/n) had painted their masterpiece, now framed and hung on the living room wall, when (Y/n) and Arnold tended to the plants in the garden, giving each a healthy portion of compost and water. Underneath the twig-thin arms of the hydrangea bush were the bunnies sleeping on a bed of sprouting grass; they were still young, but signs of growth were clear, for their white tails coruscated like champagne foam on New Year's Eve and their ears were as slender as the carrots they had yet to taste.

(Y/n) placed a bowl of leftover berries in front of the bunnies and kindly whispered, "Wake up, everyone! It's time for your breakfast!"

The bunnies stretched their powerful haunches, twitched their tails, and groomed their fuzzy crowns at the whiff of raspberries and blackberries filling their den. Carrot Sticks licked (Y/n)'s hand to express gratitude, and she replied, "You're welcome! I have to water the rest of the plants now, but I'll bring you some carrots tomorrow!"

Arnold handed (Y/n) her watering can and she waved goodbye to the maturing bunnies. They were not the only creatures to have grown in the garden of the Kishibe residence, however: the hyacinth seeds were the first of the flowers in (Y/n)'s garden to poke their little green heads out and raise their necks to the sky, like stoats towards sunlight after hibernation, and the girl tended to them and the rest of the garden whilst humming a merry little tune. Everything was in bloom, and so was the promise of a good day.

"(Y/n)!" Reimi suddenly cried out from the back porch, holding up an elegant dress, yellow like lemon meringue pie and as delicate as dew. "Look at what just arrived!"

"My princess dress! " She put her watering can away in the shed, then flew to Reimi, cavorting with an energy that bought herself a laugh from her guardian. " It's so beee-utiful! "

"A beautiful dress for a beautiful girl." Reimi pinched (Y/n)'s blushing cheek playfully. "Now, let's get you ready for the princess breakfast!"

With the wave of a hairbrush and a touch of make-up, (Y/n) was transformed into a figure of royalty, a testament to grace, an inspirational demonstration of the power of compassion and patience. Like the princesses in the movies she had watched, the girl twirled around her bedroom, her imagination sketching her furniture into the very forests and castles where young girls in fairytales chased fate and where wicked dragons were slain. She stood in the mirror and swayed, admiring her reflection.

"Girls? May I come in?" Rohan said with a knock at the door.

"You can, Rohan- wait ! Actually, you can't come in, yet!" (Y/n) tugged at Reimi's hand for guidance. "Ms. Sugimoto, how do princesses greet people again? What's it called?"

"Ah, a courtesy! Here, you grab the sides of your dress like this, and your foot goes like this-" Reimi helped her to the proper position, then illustrated the full movement. "Think you've got it, (Y/n)?"

"Yep! Thank you, Ms. Sugimoto! You can come in now, Rohan-Sensei!"

Awestruck at the sheer adorableness of his daughter's costume, the mangaka exchanged a bow for (Y/n)'s courtesy. "My goodness, you may very well be the loveliest princess I've ever met! May I escort you to the carriage that awaits you, your highness? The princess breakfast cannot commence without your presence, and we mustn't keep Madame Tsuji, Lady Yukako, and Princess Jolyne waiting!"

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