Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part Three)

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A/N: Hey everyone! So I made this chapter a little longer than the others because this fic will be going on a brief hiatus. This weekend I am moving into my new home, and besides living with my roommate, this will be the first time I'm really out on my own. I've been living with my family for most of my life, so this is a huge change for me, and I will need time to adjust to a new schedule. Thank you for understanding, and I am always open to feedback!

With their conversation coming to an end, Rohan and Tomoko returned to the office, the sight of a peacefully napping (Y/n) vandalizing their otherwise serious portraits. Josuke meandered around the office whilst holding his patient to his chest, singing Shine On You Crazy Diamond in the composition of a lullaby.

"The poor baby," Tomoko said, delicately taking the girl from her son's arms. "I can't bring myself to wake her up. Who knows how long it's been since she's gotten a full night's rest?"

But they knew it had to be done, so (Y/n) was placed on the bed to be kindly woken up.

"Hey there, sleepyhead," Josuke chuckled. "Time to get up!"

She rubbed her eye and yawned her biggest yawn yet. Rohan, Tomoko, and Josuke found the way her tongue curled upward and the chirps that slipped through the yawn to be absolutely adorable. She smacked her lips and babbled jargon befitting of a prescription, fully coming to upon seeing that Rohan had kept his word.

"Rohan-Sensei! You came back, just like you promised!"

Her father's loyalty was a strong dose of momentary medication, a force temporarily crumbling her symptoms like an atrophied house. (Y/n) squealed and kicked her legs: she couldn't contain her joy!

"Yes, just like I promised—oomph!" Rohan had to adjust to his daughter's surprise hug; but he generously returned the gesture with a laugh. "The Great Kishibe Rohan is not one to break such things."

"Rohan-Sensei? When are we going back to your house?" She rested her hands on her midsection, then stroked her throat. "I'm very hungry and thirsty."

Josuke retrieved a cup of water from the sink, which she guzzled down in ten seconds flat; the icy cool water was refreshing on her sore throat. She lowered the cup, dropping it to the floor with hollowed thuds in response to the unexpected seriousness of Rohan and Tomoko's expressions.

"A-Am I in trouble, Rohan-Sensei and Dr. Higashikata?"

Even Josuke stepped back, picking up the paper cup and tossing it in the trash—he noticed that (Y/n)'s eye was completely fixated on the utensil, her hand tight on her chest to control her breathing.

"Mom, Rohan-Sensei? What's going on?"

The adults touted back their unintentionally intimidating faces. "Sweetheart, you're not in trouble at all," said Tomoko; "but Rohan and I need to talk to you about something important."

Everyone sat in chairs, a crescent arrangement, and Tomoko explained what was to happen to (Y/n), every word holding hands with kindness. Then came the reveal of the enucleation, and (Y/n) burst into uncontrollable tears.

"I don't want to go into surgery!" When Josuke came over to comfort her, she burrowed her head into his chest, knowing full well that she couldn't avoid the inevitable by hiding in plain sight. "I don't want them to take my eye away! Please Dr. Higashikata, please Josuke, please Rohan-Sensei, please don't let me go! Please!"

Rohan, Tomoko, and Josuke could hear each other's hearts shattering into hundreds—no, thousands of pieces; but her petrified pleas dug up an old memory from the depths of Rohan's mind that had been buried for years; and though he blocked it for said years, he braved the negativity of the memory like uncharted waters to make (Y/n) feel less alone in the situation.

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