That Distant Shore

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A/N: I just realized that I've been referring to skimboarding as wakeboarding in the past chapters it was mentioned, a completely different sport. Oops.

The beach day's second activity began with a request from Jolyne that led (Y/n) on quite the exciting, inquisitive journey: "(Y/n), could you find decorations for our sand castle as Mommy and I build it?"

See, this was to be a castle of utmost significance, for (Y/n)'s and Jolyne's imaginations orbited its fictitious structure, its gravitational pull being the imagined feathered residents within, with kingfishers providing daily fish, and chickadees hopscotching the courtyard, and cranes elegantly riding the wind, and plenty of other species of bird residing in harmony. Such an important piece of architecture only deserved the finest appearance, hence why (Y/n) was eager to take on the responsibility of adorning the castle with beach treasures.

"Sure, Jolyne! What kind of decorations should I get?"

"Seashells, lots of 'em; and maybe some sticks and stones, too; and we need sea glass for the windows! Anything pretty!"

Anything pretty, easy enough! Kishibes have a good eye for the aesthetically pleasing, afterall! Her heart set on the mission, (Y/n) scrounged the rocky sections of the beach, giving misfit and malformed pebbles a chance, while perfectly symmetrical seashells were delicately dropped into her pail. There were sticks scattered across the shore, some light as feathers that would easily blow away, and some too heavy, threatening to demolish her and Jolyne's structure. Who knew choosing a stick would require so much careful consideration?

Eventually, (Y/n) found the perfect stick for the sand castle: not too light, and not too heavy. Just right! Her search for the next item was steadfast, and Jolyne and Josephine's silhouettes were now the step directly before distance drains objects of their color. How long have I been looking for decorations for? (Y/n) thought, a flurry of curiosity with a touch of unease swirling in her heart. It wasn't the scenery spooking her—because the most major difference between where she stood and where the sand castle stood was the natural arrangement of rocks—but rather the fact that the only people she knew were far away.

"I should go back; but I still need to find the most beautifullest decoration!" she fretted, calming herself down to think of a solution. "Maybe I can find it on my way back to Jolyne and Mrs. Kujo!"

(Y/n) continued her search, putting forth the effort to crawl. Sploosh! and plop! went her hands into the sodden sand, and about halfway back to the castle, her heart skipped like a pebble across a pond upon her eye catching the sight of something wispy fluttering overhead. She sprang up and caught the object between her palms.

"A feather! Oh, this will look lovely on the sand castle!" (Y/n) pocketed the feather. "OK, I think I have enough decorations!"

Suddenly, (Y/n) stopped dead in her tracks, for directly in front of her was the most bizarre-looking clump of rocks she'd ever seen! Three in a row, dome-shaped, a rich, copper color, and pointed... tails ? And were those eyes...on rocks ? (Y/n) wasn't exactly sure, but what she did know was that rocks did not move !

The young girl yelped and backed away when, whatever it was, inched closer to her. Alert as a guard dog, (Y/n) searched her surroundings for someone she knew. "Mr. Kujo—" who was taking notes on snails in his notepad further up the shore— "Mr. Kujo!"

"(Y/n)? Hey, whatever is the matter? And why are you over here all by yourself?" Jotaro questioned, catching (Y/n) when she leapt into his arms for safety.

(Y/n) whimpered, "I was looking for pretty things to put on me and Jolyne's and Mrs. Kujo's sand castle, but then I ran into a monster!"

"A monster? Where is it, can you show me?" Jotaro said, confident whatever (Y/n) encountered was harmless, for Morioh's sea animals were just that: harmless.

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