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A/N: A little fun fact about this chapter, the Kujo family shares stories with the reader. The two stories shared are based on real events that have happened to my friends and family, so take that as you will. Kudos and comments are always appreciated, and I hope you enjoy!


After a long day of staying cooped up, (Y/n) admired the smell of citruses the rest of the house carried. Cotton candy's scent was lovely, yes, but it was as easy as gaining a stomachache from consuming too much of the treat to grow tired of the scent after being enveloped in it for hours. Joseph's ears picked up the lyrics of a song (Y/n) whispered, needing several more notes to identify what melody she was recreating.

"Ah, that's Knockin' on Heaven's Door!" Joseph said. Shizuka released a string of babbles and coos, trying to sing along. "Beautiful singing, you two!"

"Thank you, Mr. Joestar. It's me and Rohan-Sensei's favorite song because it made us happy when our lives were sad and tough," (Y/n) replied. "It's our song!"

Her heart suddenly ached.

"My, what a lovely song to connect you two together!" Knockin' on Heaven's Door, he thought, I'll keep that in mind ...

"Mr. Joestar? Do you and Josuke have a favorite song you like to sing together?"

"Ah..." Joseph helped (Y/n) off the final step. "We don't...but it was a very nice question, hun."

"Oh...well, I hope you and Josuke find a song that brings you two closer together!"

The elder's smile was as rueful as a fire on its last limbs. "I hope so, too."

When the trio arrived at the back door, (Y/n)'s eye absorbed the atmosphere she was about to enter: Josuke blew on the tarrying coals of the fire table's pit; their flecks wriggled and hatched into embers that spread their fiery wings and took off into the sky. Ms. Kujo bounced her daughter on her knees, pretending they were engaged in a high-intensity horse race; and Jotaro had just ended a call with someone, pocketing his phone. (Y/n) wondered who he could have been talking to.

Joseph winked encouragingly and said, "Remember, it's all going to work out. Here, I'll go first." He stepped through the door, and the remainder of the family ogled confusedly at his presence. "I couldn't exactly get Shizuka to bed, but my efforts weren't all for nothing..."

(Y/n) took that as her cue to enter, putting on an honest front. "Um... hi, everyone ..." Her voice was mousy, its head and shoulders just barely squeezing through her teeth, stuck at the torso. She waved her fingers shyly.

" (Y/n) !" The force of Jolyne's flight nearly knocked the girls and the cake over. " Oh, I'm so glad you're here! Oops, let me get that."

Jolyne caught the cake right before it toppled over, thus ending the embrace short. She blushed and grazed the nook connecting her shoulder and neck with her fingertips. Jotaro and Josuke approached (Y/n) but did not crowd the girl to not overwhelm her.

"I...I want to say sorry to everyone here, for yelling a lot today," (Y/n) said, her voice slightly louder, "I shouldn't have been so mean, especially when you're letting me stay at your house for the next few days...I'm so sorry..."

It was Josuke who spoke first; his eyes and voice expressed bountiful sadness for the child in front of him: "You should never feel as though you are in the wrong for telling us, or anyone, the truth and expressing your anger for how wrongly you were treated. We promise not a single one of us is upset with you about the situation earlier."

You should never feel wrong for telling the truth.

Underneath her feet was the feeling of wood; and in her pocket, metal. The porch was aligned with wooden beams obviously, a sensation nobody in the Kujo household paid any mind to, except for when Jotaro, Ms. Kujo, and Joseph were first building it upon purchase of the house. Each plank was perfectly polished, but (Y/n)'s nightmare planted fictitious splinters in her soles.

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