Chapter 14 *alchohol, scary mentions of other people being hurt*

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        -Timeskip to later that night-

Seráe and Adalynn ordered pizza. This was their first good meal that they had.

"We need to do research on Slappy. We have to look and see how we could beat him. We can't just go back to the house and risk getting hurt."

Adalynn states and Seráe got on her phone and types Slappy the dummy hauntings.

"There's.. multiple articles saying that an Amy Kramer, Jillian zenmen and others went through a tough time with slappy."

Seráe says gently.

"Well what made Slappy leave them alone..?"

Adalynn asks and Seráe throws away the pizza box.

"It doesn't say.. it says they either ran away or hurt his physical form..?"

Seráe was confused.

"We tried to hurt him many times he's too hard to destroy. What did they do different?"

Adalynn asked and Seráe shrugged.

"I don't know I- look. Let's just try to relax in the week. And we'll figure it out."

Seráe asks and Adalynn nodded.

"I don't know about you but I'm relaxing in the hot tub."

Seráe says gently.

"I'll go in after you. I'm still researching."

Adalynn states as she scrolls through her phone looking at other articles.

"He's really hurt others.."

She muttered under her breath.

                      -Timeskip after the hot tub-

"Hey Adalynn when you're out I have to tell you what I found."

Seráe says gently and Adalynn nodded.

"I'll be out in ten minutes!"

After Adalynn got out she got into her pjs and went to Seráe.

"What did you find?"

Seráe showed her.

"Look. It says that Slappy's spirit can't be killed however! His physical form can. We just have to add an electrical fence around our house."

Seráe adds and Adalynn nods.

"How are we gonna get this installed in time?"

Adalynn asks as Seráe sighs.

"We'll find a company. In fact I'll call one. But we still need to wait that week. I'll call one to go over there tomorrow it'll be ready by next week."

Seráe states and Adalynn nodded. Seráe made the phone call and Rosemary her doll was sitting on the bed.

"Ok. They'll be over by tomorrow at eight in the morning Slappy probably thinks we are somewhere else which we are."

Seráe says gently and Adalynn nodded and let out a breath of relief.

"Ok good. They'll call us when it's done?

Adalynn asks and Seráe nodded fast.

"Ok good. Let's see if his puppet ass can handle this."

Seráe says as they laughed.

                       -Timeskip a week later-

Seráe and Adalynn haven't had any bad luck with Slappy. They went to the house and the electrical fence was installed. They got inside the house and it was just how it was left. Normal looking.

"Ok.. let's check around the house."

Adalynn states as they did a complete check around the house. They didn't find Slappy anywhere. Seráe felt at home finally when she put rosemary on her bed.

"I don't see him anywhere."

Adalynn says and Seráe nods

"I don't either. He's probably thinking we are still on the run."

Seráe says as she makes her bed.

                          -Timeskip to nighttime-

When they were settling in they felt relaxed.

"This was timed perfectly because we both go to work tomorrow so no more demands! No more time cards from mister asshole!"

Seráe says excitedly and Adalynn high fives Seráe.

"Fuck yeah! I'm so glad. He would've gotten us by now. We won Slappy loses!"

Adalynn says as they popped open a bottle of champagne.

"Cheers to us."

Seráe says as they clinked their glasses together.

"To us."

Adalynn gladly took a sip as did Seráe. Surely Slappy would give up into finding them. They felt at peace with their new security system, and the new electrical fence. Well.. they couldn't be anymore wrong.

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