-Chapter One-

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-Author Pov-

Six years old Naruto and Sasuke was running around at recess. Naruto was laughing at how Sasuke hair looks like a duck ass[ He said: butt cause he only 6 ]

While Sasuke was chasing Naruto around,  Naruto wasn't paying attention to where he was going. Suddenly,  Naruto trip over one of his school mates that was lying down on the ground. Naruto closed his eyes ready for his face to meet the ground.

After a few second, Naruto opened one of his eyes to see sombody caught him before he could hit the ground. Shocked Naruto slowly looked up to see Sasuke hot smoking good looking older brothe Itachi.

Itachi gave Naruto his famous eye smile. Naruto blush lightly and looked away. " Nii-san! What are you doing here?" Sasuke asked, as he walked up to Naruto and Itachi.

Itachi helped Naruto onto his feet, then turnd to Sasuke " Mother said: I have to pick up both you and Naruto up ealry. Because our parents and Naruto are going out for a double date, they want me to babysit you both" Itachi told.

Sasuke frowned and pouted. He hated when Itachi babysites, he was so strict and bossy time to time. He looked up to his older brother " Is Shisui-san going to be there?" He asked, Itachi stop to think and looked at his brother " I can call him to come over ?if that what you want." Sasuke smiled"Yes!".

-- Skip Time At The House --

Both Naruto and Sasuke took off their bookbags and hall ass up stairs to sasuke room. Itachi sighd and grabed both of the kids bookbag off the floor and put it up. Soon as he was about to go up stairs the doorbell roung.

Itachi went and opened the door. Suddenly" Itachi-kun~ I miss you~" as the girl jumped on Itachi. Itachi caught the girl " Izumi? What are you doing here?" Then Itachi heard another voice " we can't visit? Damn Itachi I'm hurt" Shisui said playful and put his hand over his chest with a fake hurt look.

Itachi snicker " Come in,  my parents left for a date and Sasuke is with his friend" Itachi said. Izumi look at Itachi " Sasuke has a friend over? I thought he was an emo person the push everyone out his life, and want to die in a hole..." Both Itachi and Shisui looked at Izumi in shock " why would you think that?" Itachi asked.

She shrug her shoulders " Idk to be honest,  he didn't like me when I first met him so..." Itachi sighed and shook his head " Don't worry he'll get used to you eventually " Izumi nodded her head.

Then she back at Itachi " So, who this friend of Sasuke?" Izumi asked. Itachi smiled " His name is Naruto,  he the most adorable, cutest,  kindest and the most out spoken boy you ever meet" he said with a smile. Shisui agreed with Itachi then spoke " He like a whole walking ball of sunshine" he said.

Izumi was jealous how the way Itachi spoke of Naruto, but she let it go because hes a boy and 10 years younger then Itachi.

-- Meanwhile with Naruto and Sasuke --

Both Naruto and Sasuke build a fort playing Vampire vs Foxs. Saskue had his black blanket tied over his neck that act like a cape with a pan on top of his head. Meanwhile,  Naruto had a orange blanket tied over hes neck as hes cape and had a handmade flower crown.

" I'm the king of all Fox's request to take control of your kindom!" Naruto odered. Sasuke stand ontop on a crate and pointed his fake sword up in the air " No! No fox shall not pass throNaruto.  kingdom" Sasuke spoked.

Both Naruto and Sasuke ran to each other with their fake sword, as they was play fighting the door opened. Shisui looked inside to see the two children was fake fighting,  Sushi smile and told both Itachi and Izumi to come and look at this.

Both Itachi and Izumi walked to Shisui and looked inside to see what he's seeing. Itachi smiled at the two children was having fun with each other. While Izumi, was eyeing Naruto. * Itachi-kun said he was cute. He look like unfinshed child* the girl thought.

Naruto felt that eyes were on both him and Saskue,  Naruto turned around to see Itachi,  Shisui and a pretty girl was looking at them. Sasuke notice we're looking at the door. Sasuke turn his gaze to the door to see his older brother, older cousin and Itachi girlfrien was watching both him and Naruto.

Sasuke was turning red of embarrassment was all over his face. He covered his face with his cape/blanket. All three teenagers walked in Sasuke room " Don't be embarrassed lilttle brother,  that was so adorable"  Itachi said,  as went down to Sasuke level and poked his head with two fingers. Itachi gave Sasuke a small smile, Sasuke looked at his brother and also smile back at him.

Itachi then looked over to Naruto. Naruto face was also red from being embarrassed " Naru-san come here" Naruto face went redder,  but he walked to Itachi. Itachi smiled at Naruto and poked him in the head " Stop being embarrassed,  you were beautiful" Naruto eyes lightened up " Thank you.." He whisper silently.

Izumi couldn't help but raged inside *How dare he take my boyfriend away from me! Damn I need to fuck!* Izumi thought. Sushi smiled " how about we go down stairs to eat, I broght pizza" he said. Both Sasuke and Narut ran out the room and went downstairs. Both Shisui and Itachi followed behind,  while Izumi was still mad at Naruto.


Thank you for reading!

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