•°°•Chapter Eleven•°°•3/3•°•Sakura

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--- Athur POV ---
--- With Sakura ---

Sakura was in the living watching power puff girl on TV. Then suddebly the channel change she tunrs to see her older bother Sakuro with the remote.

Sakuro smirked and sat down on the couch " Sorry baby sister, but my show got a new episode playing tonight" he said. Sakura pouted and cross her arms with a ruff " Nii-san! Why was you a butt-hole?" Sakura asked.

Sakuro laughed and poke his sister side " Don't worry I'll recode your show so you can finish watching it" he said. Sakura smiled and hugged her older brother " Thank you Nii-san!" She yelled.

They both was laughing when their mother came walking in she looked at her children " did I miss somthing?" She asked. Both pink hair children look at their mother and ran to hugge her " Momma!" All three laughed.

[ Oh! Sakuro is 17 years old ]

Then Sakura looked at her mother " when is father coming home? " she asked. Sakuro also looked at his mother wondering the same thing. She sighed and put her bag down.

" He busy with his job " she said, both children understand what she have meant. Sakura moved uncomfortable " why do we have to do this momma?" Sakura asked. Her mother looked at her " it runs in the family, we cant stop this it will go on for Generations" Sakura looked away.

Sakuro understand why his sister hated the idea, but for him he loves it " Sakura don't worry I'll take over so you don't have too" Sakuro said. Sakura looked at her older brother and smiled at him " dont worry nee-san, I'll just trying to get use to it" she told.

The mother looked at her childern and grins " so, Sakuro do you have a eye on sombody?" She asked. Sakuro blused and looked down " I-i liked sombody~~..." Both females squeeked.

" who that?" They both asked. Sakuro blused and looked away " You don't know him, but hes works at this coffee shop down town and he really handsome. The only thing is that hes older then me. Hes 24 and I'm 17...." Sakura looked at her brother.

She hugged him and looked back at her mother " What does he looks like?" Their mother asked. Sakuro though an image in his head " He have curly black hair, black charcoal eyes, sweeties smile, so kind, its like he could be the night sky..." He said while looking down.

Sakura smiled " Do you know he's name?" She asked. Sakuro smiled at his sister " Shisui....Uchiha Shisui.." He said.


A few hours later


Sakura was still in shock while she just walking around her bedroom.

* He have a crush on Sasuke cousin!?*

Sakura didnt know to be happy, pissed, or whatever. She know Shisui have a girlfriend that he loves dearly and she Tenten older sister, and Tenten is one of Sakuras bestfriends.

Sakura sat down on her bed, if her brother found out about this he will go crazy like he did to his last crush. She siver remembering what happened 3 years ago.

3 years ago

Sakuro was thrown thing around the house yelling and crying. He just found out that his childhood crush had a girlfriend,  He was so pissed that he hurted the poor boy so badly he was sent to the hospital.

Sakura and her parents tried to calm him down for 4 hours. He just didnt stop, he walked out the house crying hopeless and grabed a bat from so boy and swig the bat at the boys head.

Lucky Kizashi[ Sakura Father ] stopped him and told the poor boy to go home. Kizashi dragged his son in the house and locked him in his bedroom. Sakura went to her father " What now?" She asked. Kizashi sighed and looked at Sakura " Let him cool off. He really need it" he said.

End of flashback

Sakura hated how her brother turned out those 3 years. She hoped that he changes and doesnt do Shisui-kun the same as his ex-crush.

Then Sakura grabbed her phone and texted Ino. She need somebody to get her mind off things.

[ End of Chapter Eleven ]

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