--Chapter Two--

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--Author Pov--

The Next morning, Naruto woke up from the light of the sun shining down on his face. Naruto door opened revealing his gorgeous mother[ Kushina] her long red hair was tied up into a bun. " Goodmoring darling~" as she said slowly helping Naruto off his bed.

Naruto cutely rubbed his eyes and look at his mother " Momma?" " Yes babe?" Kushina asked, as she slowly pull naruto uniforms out the dresses drawer. Naruto stretch out his body " Can I go to Sasuke house after school?" Kashina turns and look at Naruto, She smiled " Thats alright, I ask Itachi to walk you back home" Naruto blushed and smiled "OK momma!".

[ The school uniform, the last one was bad😅 Naruto were's the white one ]

[ The school uniform, the last one was bad😅 Naruto were's the white one ]

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-- Time skip at school Lunch Time --

Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, Ino and Kiba was at lunch talking and eating. Naruto look at Sasuke " My mom said I can come over today" Sasuke looked over to Naruto. " Bit me and my mom are going to grandma house tho" Sasuke said. Naruto frown * so no Tachi?* Naruto thought.

Naruto got out his thoughts when he felt Sasuke hand went on his shoulder " Don't worry we will ask if you can join as well" Naruto smiled brightly " OK!" ...

" I-i was wodering if anyone seen the new SpongeBob ?" Hinata asked sweetly. Everybody looked at Hinata " Yeah! Patrick was in rip up pants and boots dancing " Kiba said " its called fish nets...." Sasuke corrected me. After that everyone was talking about the new SpongeBob episode.

-- With Itachi --

Itachi and Shisui grabbed their lunch tray and walk to where they're friends was. Izumi pushed aside on of the table mates " Move so Itachi can sit next to me" she threaten.

Izumi then looked at Itachi " Come on sweetie. Sit down" Itachi cringe at her words but let it slide. Everything was quit until Izumi spoke " We should go to Jason party. I heard his parents allowed him to bring drinks and weed" she said.

Both Itachi and Shisui looked at each othet then looked back at the girl " Idk...I have to babysit my brother again..." " And I have finish my easy my reading teacher assign me is do this Friday.. " Shisui backed Itachi up.
Izumi rolled her eyes " Come on! Everyone going to be there. I want my hot boyfriend to be there for me. And Shisui don't be a pussy, the easy could wait" Izumi said.

Shisui sighd " OK. Fine I'll go, but Itachi does have to watch his brother" Izumi smirked " Don't worry. I have a friend to look after him.." Both Itachi and Shisui looked at each other unsure " OK. I'll go also, but what time its starts and who coming to watch my brother?" Itachi asked.

" The party starts at 6:30. About your brother there will be a friend of mine that I knew for years and he's good with kids so don't worry.." Itachi had a bad feeling "OK..."

---- Time Skip After School ---
---- With Sasuke and Naruto ---

Both Sasuke and Naruto waited for Itachi to come and picked them up. They wait for almost an hour the time was 6:55 " Wherr is he!" Sasuke yelled. Suddenly a old rush car pulled up to them.

The wind rolled down and a druck looking man spoked " A-are *HIC* a-are y'all -s-saceGay and N-naruToe?" He asked.

Both childern looked at each other scared and then Sasuke spoked " Y-yes. Who are you?" Sasuke scaredly asked. The man gave them a nasty have ass smile " Y-your brothrr * HIC* send me to p-pick the both of you up. I-i think his name was..... Itichi?"

" You mean: Itachi?" Sasuke asked. The unknow man nodded his head "yep. That guy, well get in" he said and opened the door for them. Both Sasuke and Naruto hesitated but got in anywas. The car was silent and creepy as they was pulled up to Sasuke drive way.

Both Naruto and Sasuke jumped out the car and ran in Sasuke house. The man followed and closed the door behind him, than the dirty man flop down on the coach.

While with the two children ran to Sasuke room and locked the door " You don't know who he is?!" Naruto scaredly yelled. Sasuke shook his head " I have not seen him the day of my life....." The two kids grab scissors and hide under the bed " We have to wait until my parent or Itachi gets home " Sasuke whisper. Naruto nodded his head.

-- With Itachi and Shisui --

Itachi was setting out the house worring about his brother and the little fox. Izumi came outside laugheout loud and turns to look at Itachi. " Why you not having fun? Come on come get a drink with me. Please babe~"

Itachi looked up at his girlfriend then sighed " Fine. Wheres Shisui?" Izumi pointed at the directions Shisui at. And what shocked Itachi the Shisui was on somebody shoulder drunk ass fuck. Itachi knew Shisuu gets drunk easy,  but the it just carzy. They only been here for and hour half and this happened.

Izumi dragged Itachi inside the house and they walked to the dance floor. Izumi moved her hips and prus her body against Itachi, then she grab his hand and put his hands on her hips.

-- Few Hours Later --
-- At The House --

Both Naruto and Sasuke fell asleep under the bed. Fugaku and Mikoto came back home from the date, when they walked in the house  they seen a full grown man on their couch passout.

Mikoto screams that cause man to wake up and Fugaku grab his gun out his pocket and pointed at the man. The man put his hand in the air " Get the fuck out my damn out" the man nodded his head and ran out the house.

Mikoto ran upstairs to see if Itachi, Sasuke and Naruto were ok.[ She knows Naruto there ] Mikoto was opening room door " ITACHI! SASUKE! NARUTO!" She yelled out. 

Both Sasuke and Naruto woke up by Mikoto yelling. Sasuke and Naruto got from under his bed " MOMMA!" Mikoto turns to see both children crying and they ran to her hugging her.

" I was scary momma..." She hugged both children " its OK,  I'm here " then she kissed both their heads " wheres Itachi?" She asked " We don't know. That man said he knew Itachi" Naruto told.

-- Meanwhile with Itachi --

Both Shisui and Itachi were drunk as fuck. And Izumi was fuck a random person in a room.



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