•°^•°Chapter Eight•^°•2/3•°^°

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--- Author POV ---
--- With Naruto ---

Naruto was ontop of the apartment building roof chilling. He looked at the cities view. The was so beautiful at night, Naruto wishes that Itachi would see this. He remember that day when him and Itachi was alone.

5 years old Naruto
15 years old Itachi

It was raining. Naruto was walking home by himself. His parent were at work and Sasuke was sick, Itachi should still be in school. Naruto was slowly walking back back home, suddenly it started rain hard.

Naruto ran under a near by tree, Naruto hugged himself for warmth. The rain was hitting his head. It was cold and wet, Then Naruto didnt feel rain drops no more. And Naruto was pulled into somebody coat and Naruto felt warm. Naruto looked up and seen Itachi looked down at him with his eye smile.

Naruto blused and looked away " Why you in the rain Naru-san? You can get a cold" said Itachi. Naruto hid his face into Itachi coat more blushing hard " I-i was trying to get home before it rains some more...."

Itachi put his umbrella down for a second and picked up Naruto. Naruto was surprised " t-Tachi-san!" Itachi looked into Naruto eyes " why would I lets someone cute as you walk in a cold rainy day?" Itachi said. Naruto start turing red and hid his face into Itachi shoulder.

Itachi picked up his umbrella and started walking home " I'll let you stay over. I know your parents isnt home, you can hang out with me and watch over Sasuke" Naruto turns his head and looked at Itachi. Itachi was a very attractive teen, his long raven hair, his black charcoal eyes. Even the two lines down his face fits him so well.

Naruto closed his eyes and enjoyed as Itachi carried him to his house. It was warm, quit, comfortable, and relaxing. This is all Naruto needed was the person he is in his arm right now.

--- End of flaskback ---

Naruto looked down at his necklace " I will see you in person again soon tachi-san..." Naruto told himself.

--- With Itachi ---

Itachi was getting ready to stay with his parents this weekened. Shisui came in Itachi room " Hey twin, Atune want me to drop her off and her parent house first. Do you think you can wait 45 minutes?" Shisui asked.

Itachi looked at his cousin " I don't mind, I still have things to pack" Shisui nodded his head " ok, call me if you need anthing " Itachi smiled " don't worry shusi~" Itachi joked. Shisui glared at him " alright...see you soon twin" then that Shisui left.

-- Few minutes later --

Itachi got done packing, he went a in the kitchen to get something to eat when he heard a click sound. Something like sombody taking a picture, Itachi around and then looked up at the stairs. Itach swear he seen a shadow hid from his sight.

Itachi grabbed a kitchen knife and slowly walked to the front door. Suddenly somebody grabbed Itachi shoulder, Itachi spined around about to stabbed who ever touched them " Whoa! Itachi you ok?" Shisui asked. Itachi put the knife away " I saw somthing, and I freaked out " Itachi said. Then he looked away embarrassed.

Izumi watched from upstaires " Itachi-kun~ is so hot while embarrassed~" She said. And being to slided her hand into her underwaer and being to play with herself thinking about how Itachi would have touched her.

To Young For Me[ItaNaru] Rewriten[You're too young]Where stories live. Discover now