•°•°Chapter Eleven •°•°2/3•°•Hinata

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--- Author POV ---
--- With Hinata ---

Hinata stayed silent as her father was talking to her uncle. Her and Neji just was standing there dear not to do or say anthing the interrupt their fathers. Hinata looked over to her cousin talking to him with her eyes, Naji did the same. Its like the can read each other mind, but in reality they were doing certain face expressions to communicate to one another.

They was talking about how bored they was and how boring this meeting is. Somtimes both Neji and Hinata hated being rich time to time.

Neji looked over to his mother that was sitting quitely and looking at his father her husband. Neji always knew his mother didnt love him or his father. He knew that he was an accident child, before he was born his father and mother was a play boy/girl. They was just fucking people they wanted.

Until his mother found out she was prego with him both sides of his father and mother family force them to keep him and raise him. Neji knew his parent doesnt love each other or him, but he love both his parents even tho they doesnt.

While Hinata mother dead in a car accident when she was 3 years old and after Hanabi was born. Leaving her father to take care of her, Hinata father love her dearly but show how he loves her in tuff love way. Hiashi [ Hinata Father ] cherish both his daughters just show it the ruff way. Hiashi know his brother Hizashi[ Neji Father ] doesn't love his wife or nephew.

Hiashi hated how his younger brother treats Neji as if he was a slave, even his sister-in-law doesnt show her own son love that he needs. Hiashi looked at both his daughters and Neji, the children was looking at one and was whispering to each other. This made Hiashi smiled, Hizashi looked at were his older brother was looking. What he saw pissed him off, his unwanted son was whispering to his brat ass cousin.

Then Hizashi spoked " Neji Hyuga! " he yelled. All three children flinch, Neji stand straight up and put his hands to his sides and looked into his father eyes " Yes father!" Hizashi walked to his son staring into his soul.

Neji was terrified he doesnt know what he did wrong. Then there was a slap that ecod the room. Everyone was shocked and silent, Hiashi stood up and stand infront of Neji " What the fuck Hizashi!?" Hiashi yelled. Hizashi looked at his older brother with a unfuzzle look.

" He's my son I'll do what I want with him" this made Hiashi more pissed " Your a disappointment to the Hyuga family! Our parents didnt raise us this why! They didnt raise us to abused and not let our neglected children. Now look what your doing!!!!" Then Hiashi looked at his sister-in-law and pointed at her.

" And you! Your even worst then my damn dumbass bitch of a brother! Your not only neglected your child. You emotional abuse him, physically abusive him, you also have sexual abusive him!!! Don't lie!" Neji mother was speechless.

Neji looked at all three adults in front of him, Hinata grabbed his arm and Hanabi hided behind him. His uncle Hiashi looked at them " Go upstairs, ill call y'all down when I'm ready" All three children nodded their heads and left

They when in Hinata and Hanabi shared bedroom.

[ Their bedroom 👇]

Hanabi hugged her older sister " Nee-chan

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Hanabi hugged her older sister " Nee-chan...d-do you th-think papa will b-be alr-right?" Hanabi asked while crying. Hinata hugged her sister " Don't worry Hanabi...me and Neji will be with you" Hinata said. And she looked up at her cousin for help.

Neji smiled and was up to the girls " Hanabi, Hinata is right. Our parents will get along fine. Let just give them a few minutes. Hanabi nodded her head and hugged both her sister and cousin " Ok, I'll trust you guys" then she gave them a big smile " Lets play!" She happily yelled. Both Neji and Hinata smiled to one another " alright. Lets go play" Neji said.

[ Last part will be with Sakura ]

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