•°•Chapter Twelve 3/3•°•

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°What Happened At The Party 1/3°

Naruto looks back at his phone seeing if Keai, there was no message. He sighed and look boredly out the car window. He still remembers how him and Keai first met.

[ FlashBack 5 years ago...]

Naruto was sitting at the back of the class not speaking to nobody. Most of the kids calls him wired and a freak because of his hair. He put his head down trying to ignore the comments that's his classmates saying.

But someone taps his shoulder, Naruto looks up to see a boy giving him a big bright smile.

[ This him 'Keai' as a child to now ]

[ This him 'Keai' as a child to now ]

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He smiles at Naruto with kindness " You look lonely, but don't worry! I'm a hero, I'll never make a person lonely!!" He yelled. This made Naruto giggle " Who says I'm lonly?"

The peach hair boy was confused " Wait so your not?... Then I don't have a friend anymore... " Naruto felt bad. He knows this boy was being talked abiut just like him because of his unusual hair color.

Naruto shook his head and gave Keai a bright smile " I'll be friends with you, don't worry. We could be heros togather!" Naruto told the other boy.

Keai eyes lighten " Thank you, my name is Keai James, you?" He introduce himself. Naruto grabs his hand " I'm Naruto Uzumaki. For now on I'm your side kinck, believe it!"

Keai eyes sparkles and hold Naruto hand. They went to the play area not caring about other people. But they are happy that they made a new friend.

[ End of flashback ]

They became best friends, they had the same energy and personality. They was like soulmates, Naruto didnt have this relationship with Sasuke, but Sasuke will always be his first best friend.

The day of the party was a few days when Naruto will move. Keai waited to have his last house party with his best friend. He texted Naruto to see if he's going, if not he will do the puppy eyes on him.

To Young For Me[ItaNaru] Rewriten[You're too young]Where stories live. Discover now