Chapter Five

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I wake up slowly. I'm enjoying the warmth and comfort of my bed. I don't want to move, don't want to open my eyes.

Wait, my bed isn't this comfortable. Or this big.

That's when I remember everything that happened yesterday.

I open my eyes, but the room is dark. I sit up and reach over to the nightstand, turning on the lamp. I am still in the guest room that Keaton brought me to last night.

I glance at the door, and then around the room. It doesn't seem like anybody has been in here. Next, I look at the clock on the nightstand.


It's five o'clock in the evening. The alarm must not have gone off. I slept all day, about eleven hours.

I feel great now though, well-rested and much stronger. But I was hoping to be long gone from this place by now.

Now that I have slept, I feel more like myself. No more crazy feelings of safety, or thoughts about what my life would be like if I stay with Keaton and Everett.

I reach under the pillow next to me and grab my gun, glad that it's still here. I get out of the ginormous bed and walk over to the window. I pull back the curtains and take my first look outside.

Well, we are definitely not in Chicago anymore. Or any major city for that matter. The house is surrounded by forest, and I can see mountains in the distance. I can't see any other buildings or houses. Just trees and mountains. The sun is sitting low in the sky.

Okay, so Everett will still be asleep then, at least for another hour or two. Vampires can't be out in the sun for very long. They won't burst into flames or anything crazy like that, but it makes them super uncomfortable. So, they sleep during the day and are up all night.

If I leave now, then I probably won't have to worry about running into Everett. So, that just leaves the other three. And I can freeze Keaton and Aizen if I need to.

I hurry to the bathroom and place my gun on the counter, next to the holster. After doing my business and washing my hands, I find a glass in the cabinet above the sink. I fill it with water a couple of times, drinking.

I am hungry again, but that will have to wait until I escape. The water and sleep should give me plenty of energy to get out of here.

I slip my gun back into the holster and take it out to the bedroom with me, along with my clothes and shoes from last night.

I dig through my bag and pull out a pair of leggings and a tight tank top. I change into the clothes and then stuff all of my things back into the duffel bag. I strap my gun to the outside of my right thigh and then slip the strap of the bag over my head so that it hangs on my left side.

I walk over to the door and see that it is still locked. I turn the lock and open the door, just a crack. I peek down the hallway, but I don't see anybody. I glance across the hall to the stairs that lead up to the third floor, but they are empty as well.

I could use the cloaking spell, but I want to save my magic if I can. I don't know where I am. So, if I do manage to get away from here, I am going to need all of my energy to figure out where I am and get back to the Base.

I glance down the hallway again. The coast is still clear, so I slip out of the room and close the door softly behind me.

The floors in the house are old wood, and they creak a little bit. So, I slowly make my way down the hall, stepping as gently as possible. It's not the quickest way out, but I think stealth is more important than swiftness right now. If I can get out of the house without them even noticing then I have a much better chance of getting away.

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