Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I am in my room, sitting at my desk, looking through all of my spellbooks. I need to find a spell that will transport me to the party, but given that I don't know where the party will be, I need to find a spell that will transport me to wherever Devlin is.

I hear a knock at my door, and I quickly close all my spellbooks and start putting them back. I don't want the guys to know that I am still planning to go through with this idea of mine.

I walk over to my door and open it just a crack to see that it is Aizen standing on the other side.

"Yes?" I ask, not opening the door any wider.

"Can I come in? I want to talk to you."

I think about it for a moment before opening the door and letting him through. At least he was on my side originally.

Aizen walks in and shuts the door behind him.

"I wanted to make sure you're okay. I know you are upset, but Devlin is just trying to protect you."

As he says this, he pulls his phone out from his pocket and waves it in the air. At my look of confusion, he points to his ear and then points to the hallway. I am a little confused by his actions, but I get the point and walk over to my desk to grab my phone.

Aizen starts typing something on his phone.

I decide to reply to his statement while I wait.

"I know that Devlin is trying to protect me, but this shouldn't be his decision alone. It's my life, and I should be the one to decide."

Aizen nods his head while replying.

"You have to understand that Devlin is the one who brought us all together and organized the rebellion. He is the leader and he is used to making the final decision and having us all follow him. He just assumes that you will do the same. He's not used to anyone fighting him on his decisions."

I look down at my phone to see the text message he just sent and reply to his statement at the same time.

"Well, maybe it is good that there is someone willing to question his orders now. He shouldn't have all the power, it'll go to his head. And if his head gets any bigger it might explode."

Aizen chuckles at my words as I open the text message.

'I want to help you with your plan, but the others can't know about it.'

As I read the text, his actions make more sense. He doesn't want the other guys to hear us talking about this, they have to think that he is trying to convince me that Devlin is right. Of course, his being unable to actually lie makes this much harder since he doesn't believe that Devlin is right.

"Look, it's fine that you don't agree with him and it's fine to tell him that you don't agree with him. But he has always had the last say in these kinds of decisions."

I notice that Aizen uses the past tense, and hope that the other guys don't notice that as well.

"Now, how about I take your mind off of all of this?"

Aizen walks over to the door and locks it. I raise my eyebrows at him and he sends another text.

'This might be easier if we aren't trying to have two conversations at once.'

Aizen then picks me up and sets me on the side of my bed. He gets on the bed and sits with his back against the headboard and then pulls me over so that I am sitting between his legs, my back leaning against his chest.

He starts running his hand up and down the inside of my thigh, causing the skirt of my sundress to ride up.

I quickly type out a message to him on my phone that is still in my hands.

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