Chapter Twenty-Five

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After allowing Freya access through the protection spell, I look through my closet for something to wear for dinner. I don't want it to look like I dressed up, but I also feel like a T-shirt and jeans are too casual.

As I am looking through the many hangers of clothes in my closet, I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yell out and then poke my head out of the closet to see who it is.

As Aizen walks through the door I pop back into the closet and keep looking through my clothes for the perfect outfit.

"What are you doing?" Aizen asks as he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Looking for something to wear for dinner."

"You don't have to dress up, what you're wearing now is fine."

"I'm not dressing up, I just want to look nice the first time that I meet your sister."

Aizen chuckles.

"Alright, but please keep in mind that you don't need to try to impress her. She will love you no matter what."

Aizen leans over and kisses me on the cheek before releasing my waist and reaching over to pluck a green halter top from the rack. It's the exact same color as his eyes.

"But if you insist on changing, then my vote is for this one."

I roll my eyes at his smirk, but take the top from his hands anyway.


As I walk down the stairs, I can hear Everett's voice drifting to me from the kitchen where he is making dinner. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I hear a distinctly feminine voice coming from that direction as well.

Freya must already be here then.

I pause for a moment just outside the kitchen, preparing myself to meet someone new.

From my position, I can now hear what Freya and Everett are saying to each other.

"Trust me, Everett. I know what I'm doing!"

"I've seen you use your magic before, and that is exactly why I don't trust you."

Her magic? I wonder what that means?

"Eavesdropping, are we?"

I jump at the voice behind me, I hadn't heard anyone walk up, and spin around to find Devlin smirking down at me.

Before I can reply though, I suddenly hear a hissing noise coming from the kitchen and a shout.

"Freya! I told you not to try that!"

I quickly turn around and enter the kitchen to find out what's going on.

As I walk in, I see Everett standing at the stove trying to remove a big pot off the heat since it is boiling over onto the hot stove. And just to his left, there is a young woman who I'm guessing is Freya.

I can only see her from behind but she looks slim and she has shoulder-length light brown hair, the same shade as Aizen's, which she wears curled.

"Sorry, Everett! I was trying to help, but I might have been a little overzealous with it."

"What happened?" I ask, and they both turn to me.

Freya gasps when she sees me and then rushes over to envelope me in a hug. I am stunned for a moment, but quickly return the hug, not wanting to be rude.

After a moment, Freya pulls back but keeps her hands on my shoulders and looks me over.

"Oh my god, it is so wonderful to finally meet you, Willow! And you're even more beautiful than in my vision!"

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