Chapter Twenty-Six

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I am walking back from the gym in the backyard, to the house, after a long workout. Sweat is dripping down my back, making my tank top stick to me. I am looking forward to a nice, long, hot shower. But I can't help but think about the mystery that is plaguing my life.

It has been a full month since Freya came over for dinner and I met her for the first time. That night we exchanged phone numbers and we now text each other almost every day. I find it easy to talk to her, and I have shared a lot of my experiences with her while managing to keep the Base and our mission under wraps.

She has also shared a lot with me, and I now understand why having friends is so important and something that had been missing from my life. Even when we don't talk about important things, it is nice to have her there and it brightens my day getting to chat with her.

I am still not allowed to leave the house, as there has been no progress on the Ria front. This is mostly due to the fact that all of the guys have been extremely busy with work. We have had no time to talk about Ria or come up with any sort of plan on how to deal with her.

I have tried to come up with a plan on my own, but it's hard when I still don't fully understand demon laws and how we might be able to get around them.

Despite the guys being busy, they always make sure at least one of them is home at night. And Keaton, Everett, and Aizen have started taking turns sleeping in my bed with me.

Since I have had so much free time, I was able to finish all of the books that Keaton got for me and we have been able to try some things from the books as well.

I still have not actually had sex with any of the guys yet, even though we have done almost everything else. I feel like I am ready to take that next step. The only thing holding me back is Devlin.

After reading all of the books and understanding more about how our relationship will work, I have decided that I would be comfortable with being with all of the guys at the same time, as long as we take it slow the first couple of times. But Devlin has been the one that is most busy with work, and so we haven't been able to spend very much time together.

When we are together though, we are very flirty and there have even been a few kisses here and there, but nothing past that. We have had a few small arguments, but nothing too serious and I feel like we are finally in a place where we can trust each other in the same way that I already trust the other guys.

We just need a little bit of time to actually talk things out, and make sure we are on the same page with everything. But he is almost never home now.

I have also thought a lot about the idea and process of marking. I have never liked the idea of it as it seems way too possessive for my liking, but after talking with the guys about it I think I understand it a little better.

While the actual mark still bugs me a bit, I understand why it is necessary. It is the only way that we can seal the bond, and once that is done we will be able to understand each other on a deeper level. I can sometimes get a sense of what Everett and Keaton are feeling, but once the bond is fully sealed I will be able to feel their emotions all the time. Along with that, Keaton and I will be able to mind-link with each other.

They have also explained that I will be stronger and able to heal faster after the bond is sealed because I will be borrowing some of their strength and powers. It is also just a way for us to feel closer, and the bond is unbreakable so it will guarantee commitment.

That would have scared the shit out of me a month and a half ago, but now the thought of it actually brings me relief. It is nice to know that I will always have them to love and support me no matter what. I have never had someone like that in my life, and while it is still a little nerve-wracking to trust someone that much, it is also comforting in a way.

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