Chapter Twenty-One

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Getting everything ready for the protection spell took longer than I thought it would. Especially since Everett made me eat something first after he found out that I hadn't eaten anything yet today.

It was a good idea because I would need the energy for the spell though.

By the time we were ready to go outside, the sun was about to start rising. So, Everett had to stay inside while we put the spell in place.

I was going to be scattering a mixture of Barley, Basil, Black Pepper, Cumin, Devil's Claw, Figwort, Foxglove, Amber, and Angelica around the perimeter of the house while I recite the spell that I came up with. Once that is scattered and the spell is finished then we will come back inside and hang aloe leaves all around the house for extra protection.

And then in the next couple of days, I will plant some things in the garden that will provide protection as well.

I really decided to pull out all the stops with this protection spell. I want to make sure no one can get through without us allowing it. And really nobody will be able to get through unless I allow it because I am the only one who can recite the spell that allows specific people in.

Which gives me all of the power, and that makes me feel a lot safer.

Keaton, Aizen, Everett, and I are all standing in the entryway of the house now, getting ready to go outside.

"I can start hanging the Aloe in here, while you guys are outside if you want," Everett tells me.

"Yeah, that would be great."

I already have them in bundles, so they are ready to be hung up.

As Keaton, Aizen, and I turn toward the door to go outside I hear footsteps on the stairs. I turn to see Devlin coming down the stairs. I try to ignore him, but I can't anymore when he starts to head out of the front door with us.

"What is he doing?" I ask Aizen, not wanting to talk directly to Devlin.

"Since Everett can't come outside, we thought it would be safer for Devlin to come out with us," Aizen replies.

I roll my eyes but don't say anything.

They are going to form a loose circle around me while I am walking around, to make sure that I am protected while the spell is being cast. I think it's a little over the top for all three of them to be there, but they are really taking this threat from Ria seriously.

We walk outside and down the few steps of the porch, and then across the small lawn. When we get to the treeline of the forest we stop. Without saying anything, the guys all form a loose circle around me, giving me a few feet of space on all sides.

I reach into the bowl I am holding and grab a handful of the spices. I start walking, very slowly, and sprinkling the spices on the ground as I go.

"Custodire hanc domum."

I start reciting the spell that I memorized before coming out. While still walking slowly, I make sure to stay in line with the tree line of the forest.

"Hos defendat homines."

I grab another handful of the spices and continue along the way.

"Nemo hanc sacram lineam transibit nisi..."

This is the part of the spell that I added in, to allow all of us to come and go freely. I had to learn all of the guys' full names for this part, which was actually very fun. All of the guys have middle names, which was weird to me because none of the kids at the base were ever given middle names so I didn't even know it was really a thing until today.

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