Chapter Twenty-Two

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I have just finished the spells that will allow the maids to pass through the protection spell.

I'm in the kitchen now, cleaning up a bit of the mess we made today. At the Base, we had a lot more space and so we had lots of alter tables and storage closets for potion ingredients. But here, all I have is the kitchen.

That's one thing I miss about the base. I had everything I could ever need to cast spells and make potions. Although, that might be the only thing I miss about it.

Just as I am gathering the leftover spices from the spell to take up to my room, Aizen walks into the kitchen.

"Hey, I just wanted to come and check on you. I know things got a little weird outside. Did you want to talk about anything, or ask any questions?" He asks me as he comes up next to me at the counter.

I think for a moment, and then let out a sigh. I turn and jump up onto the counter so that I am sitting, facing him.

"I'm not sure how to feel about the whole thing with Devlin. I'm still mad at him for what he said to me earlier. And he hasn't even apologized to me yet. And then he goes and grabs me like he's going to kiss me, but it turns out he was just messing with me."

I stop myself before I go into a full-on rant. I'm still just so angry with him and so confused by my body's reaction to him earlier. I mean he is attractive, and I am drawn to him the same way that I am drawn to Aizen, but I thought that I would be able to think more clearly and remember how horribly he has treated me.

"Yeah, I heard about what happened after Everett and I left. And I think you will eventually have to talk to Devlin about everything and work it out with him if that's what you want to do. But, what I will say is that he wasn't just messing with you outside. It's been hard for him to see you getting closer to all of us except for him. Getting a reaction like that out of you was validation that you are attracted to him."

I think about Aizen's words for a few moments. It does make sense, but I still don't like the way Devlin has been going about things.

"But isn't the mate bond about more than just being attracted to you guys? It's not much of a relationship if I am attracted to him, but hate him otherwise."

"Yes, that's true. But attraction is a step in the right direction, at least." Aizen tells me.

I shrug my shoulders, not wanting to respond to that. Although, thinking about my situation with Devlin has brought some more questions to mind.

"Can you tell me more about Ria?"

Aizen seems a little surprised but nods his head.

"Sure. Her full name is Alabasandria, but she goes by Ria. She is an upper-level demon who attacks women and children, feeding on their flesh and blood. And she can also feed off of the milk of breastfeeding women."

He tells me all of this in a gentle tone, but he doesn't hold back any of the information which I appreciate.

"Does that mean that she mostly kills new moms and their babies?" I ask him while holding eye contact.

Aizen gives me a curt nod but doesn't say anything.

I chuckle humorlessly.

"And remind me again why I can't just kill the evil bitch?"

Aizen sighs.

"The only way you would be justified in killing her is if she attacks you in retaliation and is clearly trying to kill you. But you would have to kill her on your own, it would be against demon law for any of us to step in and help you kill her. And demons are hard to kill. Plus, you can't just attack her again you would have to wait for her to attack which means she would have to injure you before you can attack back to defend yourself. And since you don't heal as quickly, you would probably be too weak to kill her on your own."

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