Chapter Eleven

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I ended up borrowing clothes from Everett since he is the closest to my size, being only three inches taller than my five foot four height.

The training room looks like a large shed, sitting about fifty feet from the backdoor of the house. I was surprised to see that their backyard looks very nice. It has a patio with a table and chairs and there is a small garden area as well. The garden looks barren though, nothing planted there.

As we walked out of the house, I was able to focus on our surroundings more as well. The last time I went outside I wasn't focused on that as much.

Everything looks the same as it does in the human world. The sky is blue, and the trees and grass are green. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but we were always told that demons came from hell. So, if this is the demon realm then this is hell. I was expecting more darkness and screams of terror.

But instead, I heard birds and insects in the woods, just like in the human realm. If I hadn't run straight into a demon the last time I was out here, then I would have thought this was the human realm.

I didn't get a chance to ask Keaton about it though, stunned by the actual training room as soon as we walked in.

Everything looked new, sleek, state of the art. They had everything I could ever want.

One section was set up like a human gym, with treadmills, bench presses, and the like. And then there was a section for sparring. It had a big blue mat on the ground and various training weapons along the wall.

Training weapons are rubber weapons that are shaped like regular daggers, swords, axes, and anything else. That way you can use them without actually hurting your sparring partner.

There was a third section as well, and that is the one that drew my attention the most. It was a small archery range.

My weapon of choice when hunting is always a wooden stake or dagger. But if I could conceal it I would prefer to hunt with a bow and arrows. But it's a little conspicuous to carry those around in a major city and especially in a nightclub.

But instead of heading straight there, I decided to just follow Keaton around and do whatever he was doing. So, we ran on the treadmill for a while and then did some weight lifting.

The whole time, we talked. Mostly about random things. Keaton apparently really likes reading and watching movies, so he told me all about his favorite books and movies. I told him that I only really read for schooling and training and that I had only seen a small selection of movies.

I didn't tell him why though. And he didn't ask, which I appreciated.

I was now trying to convince him to spar with me. He is insisting that it will be too dangerous and that he doesn't want to accidentally hurt me.

I have fought and killed many werewolves, so I don't think that will be an issue. But I don't want to tell him that. I saw how all the guys reacted the other night when I talked about killing the vampire at the club. And while what I said was true at the time, I do feel bad about it now.

I'm not sure if it is the mate bond but for some reason, I don't feel an intense hatred toward the guys like I would if they were any other supernaturals.

"Come on, Keaton! Just one sparring match. I promise I will take it easy on you."

Keaton just shakes his head, but he has a smile on his face. I think I might be wearing him down.

Maybe if I try a different tactic he will finally give in.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck, and lean into him. His eyes zero in on my lips, as I play with the dark curls at the back of his head. I move my head so that my lips are just inches away from his, but not touching.

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