Chapter Sixteen

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As I walk out of my bathroom, I feel arms grab me from behind and start to lift me up. I let out a gasp of surprise and turn my head to the side to see who is holding me.

"Good morning, Dulzura."

I see the big smile on Keaton's handsome face before he leans in and gives me a kiss.

"You're back. How was your night?" I ask him.

He puts me back down on the ground and the smile leaves his face for a moment, before returning.

"My night was fine. How was yours? Hope you didn't miss us too much."

"Of course, I missed you guys. But I actually slept pretty well." I reply and walk over to the couch to sit down.

I can feel a small blush rising on my cheeks, thinking about why I slept so well last night.

Keaton follows me and sits next to me. As he sits down he puts his arm around me and pulls me closer to his side.

"That's good to hear. Now, I was thinking that we could spend the day together. To make up for me being gone all last night." Keaton tells me.

"That sounds great, but I was planning on looking through my spellbooks and figuring out the protection spell for the house."

"Well, then I can help you look through the books. I'm sure there is a lot to go through." Keaton gives me a big smile.

"Okay, but a lot of the books are in Latin. Can you read Latin?" I ask him.

Most of the old spells and spellbooks are in Latin. So, that is one of the first things witches and warlocks are taught.

"Of course! I'll have you know that werewolves take education very seriously, so I learned at a very young age." Keaton informs me.

"Okay, great. Then we can get started right after breakfast."


Keaton leans in and gives me a sweet kiss on the lips. But as he pulls back, I lean forward and capture his lips with my own again. Keaton makes a noise in the back of his throat and deepens the kiss.

As his tongue brushes across my own, I move so that I am sitting straddling his lap. I snake my arms around his neck and then let my fingers play with his soft, curly hair. As the heat starts building inside me and traveling down, Keaton pulls away.

"If we don't stop now, then we aren't going to be getting any work done at all today."

"Hmm, and would that be so bad?" I ask.

Keaton chuckles and gives me a peck on the lips.

"Not bad at all."

Keaton leans forward to start kissing me again, but I lean back and then stand up from the couch.

"But you're right. Let's go get some breakfast and then get to work."

I start to walk away. But when Keaton doesn't follow, I look back at him.

He is still sitting on the couch, looking at me.

"You are such a tease." Keaton jokes, while looking my body up and down.

I laugh and walk back over to grab his hand and pull him up.

"But you like me anyway."

"More than anything." He replies and goes in for another kiss.

I pull back after a moment and start dragging him to the door.

"Come on, I'm hungry," I tell him.

"So am I," Keaton says in a very low, sexy voice.

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