Chapter Thirty-One

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I wake up with the heat of multiple bodies around me, and if I wasn't so damn thirsty, then I would want to stay here forever.

I still feel tired, and I suspect that I was only able to sleep for a few hours.

As I am crawling over the guys' bodies to get out of bed, Everett stirs a little and his eyes crack open.

"What are you doing?" He mumbles.

"Just thirsty. Go back to sleep, I'll be right back."

At my words, he nods a little and falls right back to sleep. Once I am off the bed, I check my phone and see that it's still the middle of the day. So I was probably only asleep for about an hour.

After our bath last night, Keaton helped me dress in comfy shorts and a tank top. But as soon as I leave the bed and the warmth of four bodies, I feel cold. I quickly grab a hoodie from my closet and then head downstairs to the kitchen.

I get out a glass and fill it with water from the dispenser in the front of the refrigerator. I gulp down the entire glass and then go to put the empty glass in the dishwasher. But I am still feeling a little off, like maybe I'm hungry too.

I walk back over to the fridge and open it to see if I can find something to snack on. I take a few seconds to look around before my eyes snag on the bags of blood that are sitting on the bottom shelf.

Seeing them reminds me of that weird thought I had earlier about thinking I was able to smell the blood that Everett was drinking when I was upstairs and he was down here. It was a weird thought, but remembering it now makes me think about the smell.

It is hard to describe, only that it smelled sweet and also rich at the same time.

As I am staring at the bags of blood I feel like I can smell it again now.

My mouth starts to water a little bit and I reach my hand out in a daze.

Just as my fingers brush over the bag, I suddenly hear footsteps running down the stairs. The sound breaks me out of my stupor and I jerk my hand back, jumping away from the fridge.

What the fuck just happened?

I turn to see Devlin enter the kitchen.

"Willow. Are you okay?"

I stand there, staring at him silently. My brain is trying to process what just happened, to make sense of it, but it keeps hitting roadblocks.

My mind is suddenly flooded with the memory of marking Everett and how a little bit of his blood landed on my tongue. It didn't taste bad though, it was actually really good.

At the time, I thought maybe it was part of the mate bond since he is a vampire, and that a little bit of his thirst for blood had leaked over to me during the marking. But this doesn't seem like part of the mate bond now.

If Devlin hadn't come down the stairs when he did, I don't know what I would have done. But I do know that I was considering what the blood would taste like just before I heard him. And that scares me more than I can even explain.

My thoughts turn to the last couple of days and the fact that I have been feeling hungry and thirsty no matter how much I eat or drink. And then there is the moment when I kissed Everett earlier and I thought his mouth tasted even better than usual, just after he had been drinking blood.

My mind can only come up with one explanation for all of this, but it's impossible.

How could I be a vampire?

I'm a witch. I have always been a witch.

So I'm possibly only part vampire, then? But that seems too crazy to even comprehend. How would I not have known about it until now?

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