Chapter Twenty-Four

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I finish putting away all of my spellbooks and potion ingredients, deciding to put everything on or in the desk in my room since I have no other use for it, and then continue reading the book that Keaton got for me.

But after a couple of chapters, my stomach starts to growl and I decide that I should go eat some breakfast. As nice as it would be to stay in my room all day and avoid talking to or seeing Devlin, I do still need to eat.

So, I head out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen. When I pass by the office in the entryway I see that the door is open, but I don't stop or look inside to see if Devlin is there.

Once in the kitchen, I look through the fridge and cabinets for something to eat, finally settling on cereal.

After eating and cleaning up my dishes, I exit the kitchen to head back to my room.

As I take my first step up the stairs, I hear a voice from behind me.


I turn to see Devlin standing in the doorway of the office, looking at me.

"Yes?" I ask, staying where I am in front of the stairs.

"We got the cactus, holly, and chrysanthemum plants that you asked for."

Devlin nods his head in the direction of the office, so I walk over to see the plants. They are sitting on a table in the office, there are a couple of each of them.

"Okay, if you guys have gardening tools then I will go plant them outside right now."

I make sure to keep my eyes on the plants, not looking at Devlin as I speak.

"They are in a small closet just inside the entrance of the gym," Devlin replies.

I nod my head and walk over to the table to gather up the plants.


I look to the side to see that Devlin is holding out my silver dagger to me, the one that the guys took off of me in the alley when they found me passed out that first night.

I hesitate to take it, unsure if this is a trick or not. I give Devlin a questioning look and he explains.

"Even though you put up the protection spell, we all agreed that it would be a good idea for you to carry a weapon when you go outside."

I nod and take the knife from him. I am surprised that he is agreeing to let me have one of my weapons back, but I am not going to complain. I feel much safer when I have a weapon with me.

"Plus, you have already proven that you can do just as much, if not more, damage with your magic if you want to. So, it seems pointless to keep your weapons from you. I will bring the other ones we took from you up to your room later."

I smile at his words, glad that they are finally realizing the extent of my power. And despite the reasons Devlin gave, I am glad that they are willing to give me my weapons back.

"We also have more weapons in the attic. The stairs across from your room lead up there."

Devlin lets me know as he grabs a few of the plants to apparently help me take them outside.

I quickly slip the dagger into the waistband of my pants and grab some of the plants as well.

We are silent as we head out the back door and to the little garden area. It takes us three trips to get all of the plants outside and after we are done Devlin also shows me where the gardening tools are and helps me bring those outside as well.

"Thank you."

I feel obligated to thank him for helping me bring everything out since he definitely didn't have to. Though I have no idea why he did it. He is so confusing, rude to me one moment, and then nice the next. I just can't figure him out.

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