Chapter Thirty

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Everett and I materialize in the living room, back at the house. I step out of his arms immediately and then give his shoulders a push.

"Why the hell did you do that!? I wanted to stay and watch Devlin kill that bitch!"

"Devlin is already going to be pissed at us, Willow. He wanted me to take you home, so I did. I can't go against his orders again."

"Take me back, Everett. I'll deal with his anger."

"No, Willow."

I am shocked by his refusal. This was my plan, I should get to see it through! And after everything that this feud with Ria has put me through, I deserve to get to see her have her ass handed to her by Devlin.

Everett ignores my glare and sits down on the couch, waiting for the others to get home.

I stand there for a few moments, fuming. But my anger quickly fades as I realize that I won't be able to change his mind.

"Will Devlin be okay? That wound looked pretty bad." I ask Everett, my worry taking over the anger.

Everett turns to look at me over his shoulder, a look of sympathy on his face.

"Devlin will be fine, he's probably already healed by now."

I am relieved to learn that there won't be any permanent damage, but I am sure that it must have hurt. And I do feel bad about that.

I nod my head, and Everett turns back around.

I take my heels off and then start pacing the floor behind the couch that Everett is sitting on.

"Gratias tibi. Te dimittam."

The glamour slips off of me, bringing a sense of relief with it. Although I feel stronger now, glamours always feel heavy and uncomfortable.

We have to wait nearly forty-five minutes for the guys to get home. But eventually, I see them appear in the entryway.

I run over to them right away.

"Is she dead?"

Devlin glares at me and I look down to see that his hands and the front of his dress shirt are covered in blood, and he lost his suit jacket at some point. He doesn't respond to my question, storming past me and up the stairs.

"Ria is dead," Aizen confirms for me.

I look over to see that Keaton is glaring daggers at both Aizen and Everett and not even looking my way. I will have to apologize to him, but I think the bigger issue right now is Devlin.

I turn towards the stairs and follow after him.

"Willow, I don't think that's a good idea right now!"

I ignore Everett and continue up the stairs and into Devlin's room. I hear the guys following after me, but I don't stop or look back. I don't see Devlin right away, but the door to his bathroom is open so I walk over.

He has taken his shirt off and is scrubbing the blood off his hands when I walk in. He doesn't look up when I enter, just scrubs his hands even harder.

I can see that Everett was right and the wound to his abdomen is completely healed now, the only indication that it was there is the dried blood covering the area.

"Go away, Willow."

"No, Devlin. We need to talk about this. Yell, scream, make me train so hard that I collapse, whatever you need to do or whatever punishment you deem fit, I will accept it. I know that you are upset that we went behind your back, and I am sorry about that but you weren't willing to listen. You just dismissed my idea and wouldn't listen to any of our suggestions to improve the plan. But my plan worked, Devlin. Ria is dead. We don't have to worry about her anymore."

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