Chapter Thirteen

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I don't think I ever would've thought that shopping could be so tiring. We have been in this mall all day now, they close in an hour.

I swear we have walked into every store in this whole place. Devlin has snuck off to shift back to the house, dropping bags off, five times now.

We have been lucky though, and we haven't run into many other supernaturals. And when we did we kept our distance and they kept theirs as well.

Keaton and Devlin buy everything that I look at for more than five seconds, and I stopped protesting hours ago.

We stopped for lunch halfway through the trip, but I'm starting to get hungry again. I don't want to stop for food again though. Not when everything closes in an hour, and I still have two places I want to go.

We have mostly been shopping for clothes, shoes, accessories, and beauty products. But I saw two places that I wanted to go to that we haven't been to yet.

Devlin has just come back from dropping off the last bunch of bags. Surprisingly, he hasn't complained at all. He just follows us around and buys me whatever I want. I was expecting more scowling from him, but he has been pleasant all day, nice even.

"I have two more places that I want to go, and then we can go home."

I look over and Keaton is sporting a big smile, and I quickly realize why. I called the house, home. I didn't even think about it before I did it. Although, it is starting to feel like a home to me, more than the Base ever did.

"Okay, I have a couple of places that I need to go as well. Do you mind if I leave you with Devlin while I do that?" Keaton asks me.

He has stayed with me the entire time, never leaving my side. So, I am surprised that he wants to go off on his own. But I understand why since everything closes soon.

"Yeah, that's fine," I tell him.

"I'll meet you guys out front in an hour," Keaton speaks to Devlin this time.

Keaton smiles at me and then takes off, walking in the opposite direction that we are headed.

Devlin moves closer to my side now that Keaton isn't here, but doesn't say anything as he follows me to my first destination.

We walk into the small drugstore and I grab a basket. I am hoping to be in and out of here within five minutes because my next stop might take a while.

I head to the haircare section and grab a couple of things, then go over one aisle to get a razor and shaving cream. Next, I walk over and grab two boxes of tampons.

Devlin has been following close behind me and watching me like a hawk, but now he can't seem to meet my eyes.

I give a little snort and roll my eyes.

I can't believe he is acting weird about this. He didn't even bat an eye when we were in Victoria's Secret picking out panties and bras for me. Even with Keaton there, making very enthusiastic suggestions.

I ignore him and head to a couple of different aisles, picking out body wash and lotions. I grab a loofah as well and then head to the cash registers.

Devlin pays for everything and carries the two bags without saying anything.

I stay silent as well as we head to my final destination. We stop outside the hair salon, and Devlin raises an eyebrow at me.

"I just need my hair trimmed. I usually do it myself, but I figured since we're here." I shrug my shoulders, not sure what else to say.

I don't want to do anything crazy with my hair. I like the color and I love my waves, but it needs cut. And I have also always wanted to have bangs that cut straight across my forehead but have been too afraid to cut them myself. I'm no expert, and if they turn out bad there would be nothing I could do to fix it.

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