Chapter Thirty-Three

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Walking through the woods in the Fae realm is the most ethereal thing I have ever done. The woods here are different than in the human or demon realms, everything is colorful, pinks, reds, blues, purples, and greens. And despite the unfortunate circumstances that brought us here, I can't help but appreciate the beauty of this place. It was probably one of the best places to live before Asmodeus killed all of the royalty and took over the entire realm.

It has been about a week since I found out that I am half-vampire and I admittedly haven't noticed any drastic changes yet. Everett informed me that most of the changes will come slowly, so I will have plenty of time to get used to everything. I have been able to come to terms with the revelation a little bit more in the past week, and I no longer freak out at the thought of it.

But it will take much longer to actually feel okay or even proud of who I am in regard to this. I have never had a problem feeling proud or happy about being a witch, but this is different. I grew up knowing I was a witch the whole time, and this sprung on me very suddenly. And that's not even mentioning the fact that I was taught to hate vampires from a very young age and only recently realized the error in that.

But it's getting easier, and I am just trying to take it day by day now.

Training has helped a lot with that as well. I have been able to work through any anger and frustration that I have, and it also gives me time to think. And, finally, yesterday Devlin deemed me fit enough to accompany Aizen, and Keaton on their mission today.

He wanted to ease me into it, so it's a simple mission that shouldn't be too dangerous, but it's still really important.

We are currently in the Fae realm guarding Fae families as they escape to the human realm.

Aizen informed me that when he and his family left the Fae world, everything was still fresh and Asmodeus' vampires were just settling into their positions, so nobody tried to stop them from leaving.

But now, there are laws forbidding the Fae from leaving, so they have to sneak out. The guys have been helping them flee for as long as the rebellion has existed.

The group we are transporting now consists of twenty-four Fae, and over half of them are children. Since there is a law that lets the vampires execute children for any acts of rebellion, they are the ones usually transported out of there. Although, this is made more difficult by the patrols of guards around the borders and the portals out of here.

The guys have to keep changing their routes up so that they don't get caught. When learning about this mission, I did ask a lot of questions. Devlin didn't say that I couldn't question his plans, just that I have to follow his orders when it comes time to. And the first flaw I saw with their plan was taking the risk of traveling through the Fae lands when Devlin and Everett can just shift them to the human realm.

But, of course, Devlin had an explanation for that. He explained that Asmodeus had wards put up that don't allow anyone to shift in or out of the fae realm, except for him of course. The Fae have magic that allows them to create portals to other locations and realms, so there are portals scattered throughout the lands for travel.

After much discussion over the details, I decided that Devlin's plan was the best option. I am really glad that he answered all of my questions and allowed me to express my opinions though, it shows me that he has thought about other options and has landed on the safest one. And it also shows me that he is open to hearing other ideas and options.

As we traverse through the Fae wilderness, I am in the middle of the group. Aizen is up front, leading the way, and Keaton is at the back. I have been charged with making sure that all of the Fae in front of me are safe and still with the group. With so many small children, it is important to make sure that none of them wander off while their parents are distracted by the other kids.

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