Chapter 1

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Harry pov

I shift in my crib as I hear a loud noise. I hear people yelling. I sit up and look towards the door as my mother runs in. A pale nose less man follows her.

"Move out of the way." The man says in a snake like voice.


"Very well." He says as he raises up his wand. "Avada Kedavra." He say shooting a green light towards her. She falls to the floor and then he points the wand at me. "Avada Kedavra". The light shoots right at my face. I close my eyes and only thoughts are about stopping my death.

I hear a scream and open my eyes to see his limp form Infront of me. I look over to see a dark figure in the corner holding a skeletal finger to his mouth. I look at his smirk and his deep silver eyes.

The door to my room slams open again to reveal a old man in colorful robes. "Perfect. This is going just as I planned." He vanished the body of the pale man and waved his hand over me. The old man apparated out of my room as padfoot my godfather walked in.

He snarled, "Peter." Before running out of the house leaving me. Then I was left in my room with the figure in the corner.

He walked out extending his boney fingers towards my face. "Little master. It has been a while since someone from your line has fulfilled my requirements and it has never been someone so young." I shoot him a confused look. "Ah yes, of course you don't understand. I am death and you are my master. The conditions of this are that you are a Peverell first of all. Then you have to face death, see death, lead to death and cause death. You faced death when he shot the curse at you, you saw your mother die, you being the child of prophecy lead to your father's death and you caused toms death. You also have to not be seeking it."

I nod slightly in understanding as he drifts back to the corner. The door opens again to reveal A large man. He picks me up and takes me to his bike. I get set in a basket. Death gives me a smile and disappears. The large man gets on the bike and it starts to fly.

I wake up as the bike hits the ground. I hear taking around me. The basket I am in is picked up and set down. Someone sets something down on me and rings the door bell.

I open my eyes and see them all leaving. I hear the door open and I am picked up again. I look up to see a lady. She takes me in and sets the basket on the table. She grabs the thing that was set on me, A letter, and starts to read it.

Dear Petunia,

I am sorry to tell you that your sister and her husband have been killed. I believe that you are the best option to raise him as you are the last of his family to remain. This is Harry your nephew. Please raise him well and keep him safe.

Albus Dumbledore

She tisks. Turning to her husband. "Well we can't just leave a baby. We don't even know if he is a freak like my sister." I frown.

"But what if he is?" Her husband asks.

"We will leave him right then and there. I am sure plenty of freaks will want him." Her husband nods.

"Well put him to bed." She nods and she carries me upstairs and places me in a crib with another baby.

I have been with my aunt and uncle for about 2 and a half years now. We are going to America because my uncle's company is supported by Stark enterprises. He is the one representing the company's support at the new unveiling.

It was a rather uneventful trip from England to our hotel. Dudley cried almost the whole way. We went to sleep for the night as the event was tomorrow.

We wake up early to head to Stark enterprises. I put on a Tshirt and shorts along with white tennies. I grab one of the backpacks my aunt prepared for the long event. It was filled with snacks and quiet activities.

When everyone is ready we pile into a taxi. We walk into the building and see a bunch of exhibits on all of the things they have released into the world. We go into a large auditorium and sit in our seats. I gently move my legs back and forth to avoid bothering people.

It takes a while but eventually everyone is in their seats and the first person goes on stage. Mr. Stark is the last one on so we have to stay the whole time.

I pull a coloring book and some crayons. I start coloring to pass the time. I color a cat, a dog, a horse and a unicorn before the second to last person finishes talking.  I put away my crayons and coloring book before turning to the stage.

We are pretty close to the front so I can see it well. When Mr.Stark walks up my wrist starts to tingle and then it starts to glow. I quickly cover it with my hand remembering what they said when I was brought to them. I have been hiding my magic from them.

I look over and see my uncle looking at me with disgust. They saw. I look to the stage and see Mr. Stark looking confused at his wrist. He quickly catches himself and finishes up. I sneak to the front and slip into the back. Luckily I am really small unlike Dudley.

I walk over to stark and pull on his pant leg. He looks down at me and I point at his arm. "Oh so you noticed." He says to me. I turn my arm over and show him the words. He looks at them and then at me. "Your arm says Tony Stark. Are you Harry Potter?" I nod my head. "What does this mean? I've never seen anything like this."

I shift around before rubbing lower on my arm. Six names are revealed. I offer it to him. Whispering, "family."

He gently grabs my arm looking at the names. "Remus lupin, Sirius black, Neville longbottom, Alice longbottom, Lily Potter and James Potter. Who are they?"

"Moony and padfoot are my godfathers. Nev is my brother, Alice is his mom and my godmother. Lily and James were my mom and dad." I say quietly.

"So they are your family. Why is my name there and why is yours on me?"


"How are we family? Why did it just appear?"


"But magic isn't real. Who are you here with?"

"It is and my aunt and uncle."

"Why are they not on your arm?"

I rub my arm not wanting to respond. "They said that if I was a freak like my parents they would leave me." I say rubbing my foot against the floor.

"Oh baby." He says as his eyes soften. He leans in and gives me a hug. "I'm sure neither you or your parents are freaks."

"We all have magic." I say with a pout.

"Well that just makes you special. Can you show me some of your magic before we go find your relatives?"

I nod and walk over to the shadows. Death has been training me in mortal magic and the magic I got from him. I reach and grab some of the shadows forming it into a train. I walk over and hand it to Tony making sure it will stay solid.

"Wow. Could your parents do that too?"

I shake my head. Death told me that this magic is special to me as it was lost to others long ago.

"Well I think that that is pretty cool. Well we better go find them." He grabs my hand and we walk out into the empty hall. We walk around and they are no where to be found.

They left me just like they said they would. I feel my face getting wet when I get picked up. Tony pulls me close and I start to sob into his chest.

He sits down and pulls out his phone as I start to calm down. He types in a number and puts it to his ear. I stay cuddled to him as he talks to someone.

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