World overview

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Creatures and mutants have soul bonds.

They can have three different soul bonds.

Soulmate- these are the people they are destined to spend their lives with. These do not have to be sexual or romantic relationships but most of the time they are.

Soul family- can be soul twins (where the soul is split or they were close twins in a past life.) or other familial bonds. These are always people you considered family in a past life time or people who magic thinks will be good for you. They are also people who you consider family in this life.

Soul friends- often souls that have traveled together through the spirit realm and hope to meet again.

Each of these have a different type of marking that shows up at a different type.

Soul family is shown through names that usually show up on the wrist. Soul twin names show up over the heart. These names show up when you meet the person. These show up on both parties. When they appear they glow silver and tingle.

Soul friends is shown through symbols. The symbols are there since birth. The symbol is the same on both people even if the person is not a creature or mutant. It is on the other so you can find them. It is usually more like a birthmark on the non creature or mutant and more like a tattoo on the creature or mutant. These are usually on the ankle though sometimes appear on the wrist. When near to each other they lightly burn.

Soulmates are shown through the first words they say to each other after at least one has changed into a creature or mutant. The words show up when they go through creature inheritance or become a mutant. These words usually show up on the hip. It gives a golden glow when the words are said and change to the mates mark. The mark represents the couple. These are almost always other creatures or mutants.

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