Chapter 22

514 22 1

Harry pov

We talked about it and decided that we were truly going to go through with our threats. No matter whether they are on the light side or the dark side. Draco gets started on gathering information on people we already know are bad, both death eaters and corrupt ministry officials. I plan on going to some darker places in the future to get cases on more people.

There are no classes for the next two weeks while they try to find a replacement for defense against the dark arts so Sev decided that he was going to teach me how to properly control and use my vampire powers. I agreed with it on the condition that he comes to the trial for my god father that is coming up as I don't really want to go alone. He of course agreed so we got to training.

It wasn't as hard as learning my godly skills or shape shifting but was harder than learning my skills for my wolf side as those seemed almost ingrained in my being. It was rather strange being taught skills by someone other than myself or death though.

We finished training right as the two week time limit was over but they still have yet to find a teacher so the current teachers that were qualified will take turns teaching the class.

A month passes and the class goes pretty well. Today is they day of Sirius's trial so I have to go down to the ministry of magic. Sev came with me as he finally took the lordships that he had been avoiding so he could keep me company in court.

We sit down and seem like the only calm people in the room. Everyone else is either panicking about a death eater trial or the fact that a prince was the one who asked for it. I still have not shared the fact that I am a prince now with anyone so they all desperately want to know who it is.

I spend the time until the trial starts reading people's souls looking for who will be our next target. The court system desperately needs to be changed. I come up with a few people who's names I write down to be looked into at a later date.

Once everyone is seated the trial starts. Sirius is led out into the middle of the room. He looks ragged and rather unwell, I am going to have to deal with that once he is ruled innocent. They better give him compensation as well.

The put him under truth potion and start the questioning. "Is your name Sirius Orion Black?"


"Did you work with he who should not be named?"


"So you are saying that you are not a death eater?"


"Were you the secret keeper of the Potter home?"


"Who was?"

"Peter Petegrew."

"Did you kill Peter and a group of muggles that Halloween night?"

"No, Peter killed them and ran away, that rat."

"The questioning has been done and it is time to vote."

Everyone casts their votes and the results show that most people say he is innocent. How a few people think he is not I don't know. Anyway he gets a lot of galleons and free mental health care as compensation.

I don't want him to get cornered so I pull him out of the building before that can happen and set it up with the goblins for him to get transferred to New York. I already told Dad that this was happening and he said that Sirius can stay in the tower with us and he can even have his own floor. The goblins say that they will get him to America and then my dad needs to pick him up.

I message my dad and he agrees to meet Sirius right outside of Brooklyn Alley so I leave the bank and head back to school. I still have to go to my afternoon classes. They are rather boring so I just plan for the night. Tonight I am in charge of the rounds for the cards so I will be in New York all night. Thankfully tomorrow is Saturday.

The moment I get into my bed I close the drapes and travel home. I grab my outfit for the cards and travel into an alley to start watching the streets. I stop a few muggings and save a kid who got lost.

The night went quickly and I had to be extra careful to not use any powers other than the one that I told my friends I had. Soon enough I was in my regular pajamas, in my bed and going to sleep.

During the weekend I spent time with all of my friends and we hung out by the lake even though it is rather cold out. I think that Nico finds comfort in my presence so I make sure that I am there for him whenever he needs it. He calls me his big brother.

We played some non magical games like soccer and tag until we got too cold and tired. Then we went in and had hot chocolate. Overall it was a good weekend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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