Chapter 5

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Harry POV

I look at my phone and see that it is fury that is calling. I quickly answer.

"What do you want? It's my birthday and my day off not to mention I am in Britain."

"We have a last minute mission to neutralize and obtain some targets."

I sigh. "Okay where is it and how do I get there?"

"I don't understand how you are in Britain in the first place as you were here yesterday but I can arrange a plane for you. The mission is in France."

"Okay text me the details of the mission and where to pick up my ride. Also I don't have most of my tools so I will need some."

"Of course shadow." He says before hanging up. Minnie is looking at me in complete confusion.

"What was that about?"

"Oh my boss called and I am needed at work."

"I cannot help but notice that you are infact in Britain and not New York."

"Oh he knows and is sending me a ride." My phone dings.

Paris France

Your in charge of collection. I need all the information off their computers. Black widow will fill you in on the rest.

A plane is waiting for you at the London shield base. Your team is waiting for you in Paris. Don't forget your disguise.

"Well that was him telling me where to go for my ride. See you at the start of the school year." I say to her before walking off. I slip into a dark alley and travel to the base. I arrive by the base, unshrink my disguise and quickly change into in and put in my contacts.

 I arrive by the base, unshrink my disguise and quickly change into in and put in my contacts

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I shrink my other clothes and head to the entrance. I am stopped at the door by the guards. "ID please." I take out my shadow ID and show it to him. "Oh shadow your plane and supplies are waiting for you at runway five."

"Thank you." I say in a thick British accent. I go to the table with supplies and pick out two guns and a sword as well as a couple of flash drives and a USB cable. I have my knives, bow and my phone for hacking. Clint will give me some of his arrows. I grab the headphones with the mic and get into my plane.

I arrive in France in less than a half an hour. I have to wait another hour and a half for the rest of my team to arrive. I played on my phone while waiting.

When they walk in I straighten up. "What took you so long."

"Unlike you we were in New York. We arrived in record time." Tasha says.

"Hey it was my day off. I had other business."

"Yeah well now you are in France with a mission." Clint says.

"I was kinda in the middle of something."

"Is that why you have a kitten, snake, a cloak, and a case?" Tasha asks.

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