Chapter 7

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Harry POV

On August 31 Minnie comes to get us for school. I grab my bag that is already prepared and all of my familiars. Last I grab my owl and my school wand. I slip my school wand into a holder an my right arm, my other wand in a holder on my left leg and the elder wand on my right leg.

I secure my knives around my waist and fold down my bow before shrinking it and putting it in my pocket.  Lastly I stick a gun in a holder across my chest and head out the door. When I get downstairs Minnie is waiting for me with Leo. "Well off we go then." She says. "Grab the portkey and we will be on our way."

"Bye dad." I yell before grabbing the portkey.

"See you at Christmas."

"Yeah see you." I say as the portkey picks us up. We arrive in digon alley and walk over to the inn we will be staying at.

A nice man named Tom gives us our room and Minnie leaves after we make it in. I check over the room and secure the perimeter before heading to take a shower.

I rap all of my weapons in my old clothes before exiting except one knife that I put in a pocket that I made in my pajamas for it. I place the rest of them and my clothes into my truck. Whispering my password that is in multiple languages. I turn off the lights and slip into bed.

I wake up before dawn and get ready quietly. I slip all of my things into my new outfit before going for a run. I leave a note in case Leo wakes up before I get back.

I run through the quiet streets of London for a while before deciding to go to digon alley as the sun comes up . I run around noticing very little people as it is still so early. I notice that a side alley is a lot more populated so I go to check it out.

As I am running I hear someone scream. I quickly change my appearance and pull my mask out of my pocket. I jump up on a building to figure out what is going on.

I see a young girl about three or four being cornered by multiple men. I pull out a knife and jump down in front of her. "Don't you think it is a little unfair to have so many of you against such a small child?" I say with a slightly deeper voice but my same american accent.

"Why don't people like you just mind your own damn business." One of them asks me back. I measure him up and figure that he is the leader of the group.

"I will give you one chance to leave before this ends very badly for you. I don't like people who mess with children." The man laughs before pulling out his wand. "I gave you your chance you can't say I am unfair."

I take out my extra wand I bought with death and throw up a shield around the girl. Then I turn quickly and cut the fingers of the man making him drop his wand. I shoot a cutting curse at another of the men and a stunner at the last.

"Now I will give you one last chance to withdraw before none of you make it out of this alley alive." I turn to them all.

"No way am I losing this paycheck." The boss says and the others nod. "The three of us can take on one of you."

"Suit yourself." I say before making the shield opaque so the little girl can't see what I am about to do. "You know the wand I have here is untraceable and no one will test it as it is not my main wand." I say before sending the crucio at one of them.

I leave the spell on him as he flales on the ground. I quickly move and slit the other man's neck leaving only the boss. I let go of the henchman and he runs off once he can move. "Now how do you want to die?" I say tilting my head to the side.

He doesn't answer me and tries to run so I pull out my bow and make a shadow arrow. I let it go and shoot him through his back and his heart. I put all of my weapons and my wand away and turn back to the girl. "Cover your eyes." I say. I wait a moment before dropping the shield.

She did as I told her. I pick her up and take her out of the alley. When we get away from the bodies I stop. "Now little one where are your parents?"

She opens her eyes and looks at me. "Potions." Is all she says. I decide to go to the potions shop in digon alley as it makes the most sense. I see a couple looking around frantically. I walk over to them.

They look at me in horror. I look down and realize that I am covered in blood. I tisk before setting the girl down. She runs over to them and they check her over. She whispers hero to her parents and I smile before leaving.

I return to my room without anyone noticing me and head to the shower. I wash all of the blood off before washing the blood off of my clothes and drying them with magic. I get changed again and head to go wake up Leo.

I shake him and he wakes up. After he gets dressed we grab all of our things and head to breakfast. After that we call a cab and go to catch the train.

We arrive at ten thirty, thirty minutes before the train leaves. We walk through the station until we arrive at the space between nine and ten. Minnie told us how to get on the platform so we look towards the walk. Leo runs at it and goes through while I just walk through.

When we make it to the other side there is a bright red steam engine waiting there and many other children and families. We get on the train and sit in a compartment ready for the journey to begin.

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