Chapter 11

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Harry pov

When I get there nat let's me in. Apparently  my dad has kept multiple things from me when he calls me. There is a dude who is after him who has some kind of suit. He is iron man and his core is slowly killing him. Also his best friend stole one of his suits. All things that he shouldn't have kept from me.

I walk in and make sure to adjust my voice and accent accordingly. Nat leads me to the area where the others are including my father. The others are here mostly for watching to make sure that he doesn't leave  while I am here to help him with fixing the arch reactor so that he doesn't die.

I am on a limited time frame before I have to get back so we have to fix it quickly. We get straight into it. We look over metals and things so we can find something that at least in comparison doesn't harm him.

We spend hours going over everything and eventually find a solution. He makes the new arch reactor and I add spells when he isn't looking so that it is even safer.

After it is all done I am aloud to leave and I tell them that I have my own ride so that I can get back quicker. I leave and then travel back when I am far enough away.

I appear in sevs office and he looks up when he feels my magic. "Did he even notice I was gone?"

"No, somehow he didn't pick up on that fact." He drawls.

"He truly is incapable of looking after children."

"Yes. Now you had better keep your promise."

"Of course see you Saturday in the forest."

The week has been really boring since shield called me to help my dad. Lessons are all things that I have already learned but I can't give that away because where would I have learned it. I have practically been dragging myself around out of boredom.

Tonight is a full moon so at least that will be interesting. I am halfway through dinner when I remember that I agreed to let sev accompany me tonight. I sigh before continuing to eat my dinner.

I head out first and head straight to my favorite spot. A break in the forest where you can see the moon. I can feel sevs magic getting closer soon after I settle down.

He comes out of the forest shortly after the moon comes out. I finish shifting and bound over to him. I nip his hand to astablish a pack connection so that I can talk to him in this form.

"So what do you think of my wolf?" I ask him in his mind. He seems a little startled at first but he snaps out of it quickly.

"It matches you perfectly."

"Wolves keep their eye color and have their hair color as their fur color."

"Fascinating. I see that it is not painful for you to shift and for that I am glad."

"Honestly same." We talked and play for the rest of the night. As soon as the sun rises I change back and make clothes out of shadows.

The rest of the school year went by quickly and boringly. I learned nothing except that Dumbledore shouldn't be trusted with children and that he is horribly unobservant.

I return home to see that my father is thankfully alive and well. He doesn't tell me about any of the things that I know happened probably because he doesn't want to worry me. I run over and hug him and he tells me about the things that he did other than the dangerous stuff.

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