Chapter 2

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Harry pov

Tony adopted me after he found the Dursey's and got them to sign the papers. My name is now Harry James Stark. Soon after he adopted me I was announced as his son. 

He loves it when I show him my magic. He tries his best to help me work on it when we have time. Death set up a ward so no one knows that I am doing magic.

Death stopped by one day and said that he realized that there were some blocks on me and that he could only remove some of them. He removed the ones he could making my mind clearer and my hair have a slight red tint as well as giving me freckles. He told me when I am older he will take me to the goblins to remove the rest.

He has also been showing me how to make tech. I have made a few little robots with him. One of the robots is named pop because I made it to set up for movies so it can pop popcorn perfectly. Another is pads he is a dog robot and can do a ton of tricks.

Today dad has decided it is time for me to go to school. I have been with him for about half a year. We go to many schools looking for the perfect school. We decide on Ms. Kings school for gifted children. It is a k- 12 school that allows you to finish classes at your own pace. It is a private school that you have to test into.

It has been a week and today is my first day of school. I put on my uniform and double check that I have everything it my backpack. I put the phone dad gave me in my pocket before heading down to breakfast.

I enter the kitchen and see Miss Pepper cooking. " Good morning pepper." I say to her.

"Good morning Harry, are you ready for school?" I nod. "Well that's good, do you want some bacon and waffles." I nod vigorously. She chuckles and puts some on my plate. I drown my waffles in syrup and place my bacon on a napkin so the syrup doesn't touch it. I go to the fridge and pour myself a cup of orange juice before sitting down and eating.

After breakfast I head to the elevator where I see dad. I run up and give him a hug. "Hi buddy, are you ready for school?" I nod. "Well that's good because we have to head there now." He grabs my hand and we walk into the elevator.

When we get downstairs two bodyguards join us. Dad is making me take bodyguards to school. We head out to the car where Happy is waiting for us. We all get strapped into the car and drive off to my school.

I have been in this school for about a year now and I am 5. I have finished a lot of years in school because I can learn and do the work as quickly as I want. I skipped kindergarten through fourth due to all of the things I already knew and did all of the classes for sixth and seventh last year so now I am starting eighth.

Atiya and Lucréce have been made into my permanent personal bodyguards. Atiya always takes the day off for full moons so I think he is like moony. Atiya is pretty young she is now twenty one. They go by all pronouns but sometimes prefer one depending on the day because he is gender fluid.

Lucréce is older at 36. He was born in France and lived there until he was 18. He moved to America for college. He has a wife and a few kids. I know his kids because they sometimes come over. Léonne, is his oldest daughter at 8, then there is Leo he is 5, Winslow is 2 and Mirabella is a newborn.

All of my classes are super easy and I always remember everything. I remember everything even from when I was a baby.

It's half way through the year and I have made three friends. Aleks was my first friend he is 12. Later in the year I met Lauryn and Kiran they are both 13. All three of them have marks on their ankles that match mine. Death says that that means they are my soul friends. Aleks and Lauryn had something strange happen when they first talked to each other.

We have all been hanging out a lot. I have moved on to ninth grade work. Ninth grade is much like eighth grade making me bored.

I slip out of my chair as the bell rings for lunch. All the grades have lunch at the same time so I can go see my friends. We get our trays and sit down.

"So I've been doing research on what happened to me and Aleks." Lauryn starts. "I have come to the conclusion that we are soulmates." Aleks and Kiran are in awe while I just nod.

I remember my first parents talking about soulmates. In the wizarding world the only time you have soulmate(s) is if you are a creature. My parents did not inherit any creatures so they had no soulmate. I don't know what causes soulmates outside of the magical world though.

When I break out of my thoughts a boy is coming over. He walks up to Kiran. "Do you come here often?" He says.

Kiran deadpans before responding. "I go here. Has that ever worked for you?"

"I've never had a reason to try. Ivan." He says holding out his hand.

"Kiran." He says as he shakes Ivan's hand. I feel magic flair slightly during this interaction. I guess we have another soulmate pair. I shift in my seat realizing I have gone from 3rd wheel to 5th wheel in a matter of seconds.

Ivan sits at our table and we chat for the rest of lunch. Soon the bell rings and we have to go to class. After all the goodbyes I head off to math.

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