Chapter 3

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Harry pov

I made a new friend named Finlay. They transferred from Scotland when I was in 10th grade. I am now ten, I graduated high school when I was 6. I went straight to college after I finished and graduated when I was nine with 16 PhDs.

I have been working under Dr. Banner while finishing my residency in pediatrics and surgery. We have been working with gamma radiation. 

I'm walking home from the hospital when I get cornered by some people in black clothing that reads shield. I look at them and focus on their souls. Death taught me how to read souls to know their intentions. Dad now let's me go out by myself because of that.

None of them have intentions to hurt me so I calm down and wait for them to talk. "We have been sent by our boss to recruit you for shield."

"What's shield?"

"A government agency. We can't tell you more unless you come with us."

I look at them and can tell they are telling the truth. "Okay I will come with just let me call my dad first." I pull out my phone and dial his number. He quickly picks up.

"What's up?"

"I will be home a little late something came up."

"Okay just keep me posted."

"Will do."

"Love you, see you later."

"Love you too, bye."

"Bye." I hang up and turn to the men. "Well we best be off. I have rotations tomorrow so we have to make this quick." The men nod and lead me into a car.

The drive was about ten minutes. We get out of the car Infront of a large office building. We go in and the men scan their badges and lead me to the elevator.

When we get out of the elevator they take me to an office and leave. I walk in to see a man with an eye patch, a woman with red hair and a man with a bow. I sit in the chair in front of the desk after checking intentions.

"So I assume you are the boss." I say to eye patch man.

"Yes I am. I have heard of all your achievements and would like to have you join our agency."

"What would working here entail? Also how would I fit this into my schedule and what would I tell my dad?"

"You would be trained to be a field agent. You will be trained and then work with these two on missions." He says pointing at the people in the room. "Your residency ends in a month so you can start after that. Just tell your father now that you are applying for a job and say you got it a couple days before you start."

"Why a field agent and what will training include?"

"Many of your degrees can benefit a spy. You are proficient in multiple languages and you have great amounts of knowledge of technology. As for training you will be taught combat with and without weapons, acrobatics, torture techniques, escapism, driving in all types of vehicles, how to pilot all aircrafts and how to withstand torture."

I can tell he is telling the truth so I start to think. I go to school for magic in a year. "Sure I will join you but I will need a ride and starting in a year I will be in Scotland from September to May. Also you have to come up with an excuse to tell my dad when we go on missions. I can still go on missions during my time in Scotland as long as you provide a way but I can't go to training."

"I can deal with that. I will send an agent to pick you up every day starting in a month."

"I also want a few weekends off."

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