Chapter 8

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Harry POV

Leo starts to doze off right away as he got up at about four our time. I have an ability to stay up from being a spy. I let him sleep as I ward the compartment.

There is a knock on the door and my magic deems that the person is not dangerous to me so I open the door quietly. A small red haired boy comes in. "Can I sit here, everywhere else is full?"

"I suppose but just be quiet Leo is sleeping." I feel a burning sensation on my ankle. I look at my ankle to see which one is burning before looking at Leo who is scratching his ankle in his sleep. I turn back to the red haired boy. "Welcome to the group I suppose."

He looks at his ankle and then me in slight confusion. "What?"

"You are one of our soul friends."

"Ah yeah my mum told me about them."

He sits across from me. "I'm Ron Wesley, and who are you two?"

"He is Leo Lafayette and I am Harry Stark previously known as Harry Potter."

His eyes widen. "Do you have the scar?"
I nod. "Can I see it?" I lift up my hair that covers my scar. "Wicked."

He settles in and the compartment goes back to it's quiet state. I am reading a book on quantum physics to try and understand that part of Banners work.

After a while the door opens again revealing Draco. "Hello draco, how are you doing?"

"Great thank you Harry. Do you think I could join you guys?"

"Of course you can sit next to Ron." For a moment they stare at each other in disgust. They both look at their ankles before sitting silently next to each other. The train starts to go and I start reading again.

When we are most of the way there a girl comes up to the door asking if we have seen a toad. "No but I can summon it if you can either tell me who it belongs to or the toads name."

At that a boy with dirty blonde hair pops into the compartment. "His name is Trevor." I use a summoning spell that death taught me so the toad doesn't have to fly through the air to the compartment. I take the toad and had it to the boy. "Thank you I'm Neville longbottom."

We all rub our ankle. I suppose we found the last member of our group. "Nice to meet you, I'm Harry, my friend who is asleep is Leo, the red head is Ron and the platinum blonde is draco."

"Nice to meet you all." He says shyly

"Would you like to sit with us?"

"Sure." He sits on the other side of draco and we continue the silence of the journey. We just sit around doing our own things until we are almost there.

We put on our robes. We just slip them over the clothes we already have on. Ron, Neville and draco all came with their robes on. We pull into the station and disembark from the train.

We all pile into a boat together. The lake is beautiful and the castle amazing. We are rushed into the castle soon after. We wait and straighten up out side of the great hall as they call it.

We all get brought in and we stand in the middle of the room. Surrounded by older kids. One by one we are called up. First Leo goes, he gets into ravenclaw. Then Neville goes into Hufflepuff and draco into Slytherin.

After a bit I am called up. A hat is placed on my head. It starts talking in my mind alarming me. "You would do well in any of the houses which do you wish?"


"Very good." He then yells out ravenclaw. I go and sit with Leo as we wait for our last friend to be sorted. Ron is nearly the last sorted and he gets into Gryffindor.

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