Chapter 20

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Harry pov

The first thing I did after spending time with my Dad was make another phone that works around magic for Severus. After that I made some sensory dampining equipment. All of it can be used in a way that is undetectable by others.

A few weeks into the break my friends from regular school called me and asked me to hang out. I of course agreed and went to Alek's house where we decided hang out.

When I arrived everyone looked very serious. "What's wrong?"

"We have something to tell you and we are not sure you will want to hang out with us after." Lauryn says.

"I'm sure that I will."

"The four of us are mutants!" Ivan blurts out.

"Oh! That explains the soulmates. I have been trying to figure that out for years."

"Your really just okay with this?" Kiran asks.

"Yeah honestly I have heard weirder. Also my father is literally iron man, you know this."

"But he is still human." Alek adds.

"I'm not though. I can control shadows and make things out of them."

"Cool! Can we see?" Kiran asks.

"Only if you tell me what your powers are as well."

"Okay. I have animal instincts and can use animals around me to get information through their senses." Ivan says.

"I can teleport and travel through time." Alek adds.

"I can see the future sometimes." Kiran claims.

Lastly Lauryn says, " I can control sound and mimic anything."

"Interesting." I say before using my power over the shadows to make different objects.

"That is really cool." Lauryn says and the others nod in agreement.

"So does Finlay know?"

"No, do you think that we should tell them?" Kiran asks.

"Yeah, I think that they would understand." They all nod and Alek texts Fin. Soon enough they arrive and are filled in.

"We should all start a superhero group and I can be the guy in the chair!" Fin exclaims very excitedly.

"That does sound intriguing. We would have to work with our different schedules though."

"Yeah but we all have phones so we can just text each other to decide what days each of us will watch the city and if we need help we can always call or text each other." Lauryn says.

"But what are we going to call ourselves?" Ivan asks.

"The Cards. After the marks we all have." Fin suggests and everyone agrees. We spend the rest of our time together sorting things out and soon enough we all have to go home.

A few weeks have passed since my friends and I decided to be heros and we have almost worked everything out. I felt someone close to me die but I am not sure who. Today is christmas and I get up and put on the matching pajamas that dad got for me, him and pepper. I am almost one hundred percent sure that they are dating at this point.

When I get downstairs there are waffles waiting for me. I sit down and eat as we talk about the next school semester. I rant a little bit about Lockhart and dad and pepper look at me in pity and concern.

After breakfast we open presents and then watch movies until night fall. Once it is late Dad's Christmas party starts and I unfortunately have to go. It is always rather boring and filled with old men that try to suck up to me, women that want to get close to me to get close to my dad and alcohol that I cannot drink. I mostly stay in the corner next to the food table and try to keep attention off of me because I don't want their attention.

It is about a week until school starts and I am exercising in the gym in the tower when Jarvis tells me that there is a child in the lobby saying he knows me.

I quickly head down wondering who it is as Jarvis knows all of my friends that live here. When I arrive in the lobby I see Nico and it looks like he is barely holding himself together. He also looks very rough like he has been beat up. "Nico, are you okay?" He quickly turns to me and bursts into tears so I take him up to the penthouse.

Once we get to my room I ask him what is wrong. "Bianca died." He says before bursting into another round of tears. That must have been what I felt. I comfort him and tell him that he can stay here if he wants and he agrees. I feel my wrist tingling and see it glow. Nico must have felt it too as he looks at his arm and sees my name. We must need each other.

After he calms down he tells me that after Bianca died he left the demigod camp and got stuck in the labyrinth for a while. That must be why he looks so beat up. He also said that after he got out he came straight here as he remembered that I lived here and it is easy to find.

Nico stayed at the tower until school started up again. Me, Nico and Leo all got picked up by Severus and taken to the train station where we got on the train and met with the others. We spend the train ride talking about our breaks

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